Languages in Science - Blended Conference

Tuesday 30 November 2021, 9:00am to 5:40pm


Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences Building, Lancaster - View Map

Open to

All Lancaster University (non-partner) students, Alumni, Applicants, External Organisations, Families and young people, Postgraduates, Prospective International Students, Prospective Postgraduate Students, Prospective Undergraduate Students, Public, Staff, Undergraduates


Registration not required - just turn up

Event Details

Languages in Science Conference - in-person and online participation

Science is based on collaboration, which is turn based on interpersonal relationships, hence everything which improves interpersonal relationships is good for science. Languages are well known to promote interpersonal relationships and mutual intercultural understanding, but the usefulness and especially the pleasure of using languages in science remains largely undiscussed and neglected. This conference intends to start this discussion by exploring the use of languages in science and related careers.

It is aimed at:

• scientists and engineers who wish to enhance their work using languages

• language learners looking for new fields to apply their language skills

Topics may include, but are not limited to:

• Individual stories of how language skills have helped scientists, engineers, researchers and students

• How scientific careers facilitate language learning

• Benefits of teaching of science and engineering in languages other than English

Speakers will include:

• Lindie Botes: Polyglot specializing in European and Asian Languages, YouTuber and Designer

• Richard Simcott: Founder of Polyglot Conference, studied >50 languages

• Prof. Gayane, Hovhannisyan, University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Yerevan, Armenia

• Joana Moscosco, Native Scientist (initiative facilitating teaching science to children in their native language)

• Timothy Douglas, Engineering Department, Lancaster University

• Susannah Coote, Chemistry Department, Lancaster University

• Erica Fulop, Department of Languages and Cultures, Lancaster University

• Academics and Postgraduate and Undergraduate students at Lancaster University and overseas universities.

If you would like to present at the conference, please contact Dr. Timothy Douglas, Engineering Department and Materials Science Institute (MSI) ( and Dr. Emily Spiers, Department of Languages and Cultures (DeLC) (, Lancaster University.

This event is endorsed by DeLC, MSI and the Institute for Social Futures (ISF) in the framework of the Materials Social Futures (MSF) initiative.


Coote Susannah

Chemistry, Lancaster University

Douglas Timothy

Material Science Institute, Lancaster University

Fulop Erika

Languages And Cultures, Lancaster University

Spiers Emily

Institute for Social Futures, Lancaster University


Contact Details

Name Emily Spiers