'Critical Interculturality for communicating with China: A dialectical perspective' with Dr Ashley Simpson

Thursday 27 March 2025, 1:00pm to 2:30pm


Bowland North Seminar Room 02, Lancaster, United Kingdom

Open to

All Lancaster University (non-partner) students, Alumni, External Organisations, Postgraduates, Public, Staff, Undergraduates


Free to attend - registration required

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Please register via the following link: Academic Seminar with Dr Ashley Simpson Tickets

Event Details

Academic Seminar Series with Lancaster University Confucius Institute


Amidst calls for epistemological diversity and plurality within intercultural communication in this talk I contest the notion that the field has reached an epoch of criticality or that the field has turned critically. In doing so, I problematise whether a dialectical approach for intercultural communication can move the field conceptually beyond the primacy of the intercultural subject as the knowing subject. I therefore build on recent developments within the field of applied linguistics in calling for a (re)engagement with dialectical thought in order to provide an analytic of how people, languages and cultures are (re)produced through engaging with political economy. This conceptual backdrop is used as a lens to problematise practical issues when engaging with contemporary discourses and representations about Chinese language and culture.

Speaker Biography:

Dr Ashley Simpson is a Lecturer in Language Education at Moray House School of Education and Sport, University of Edinburgh, UK. Dr Simpson is also Co-Head of Institute at Moray House School of Education and Sport, University of Edinburgh, UK. He has published extensively on Intercultural Communication.


Dr Ashley Simpson

Moray House School of Education and Sport, Univers

Contact Details

Name Lancaster University Confucius Institute


