Financial Support
Fylde Scholarships
Fylde College has an allocated amount of funding available for events and activities which are seen to enhance employability prospects. Examples to be considered include:
- Conferences, seminars or workshops
- Dissertation projects where costs exceed those normally expected
- Volunteering activities
- Summer internships
The maximum award is up to £150. Please note that we are unable to finance travel which is part of your academic modules. Applicants who apply in their final year must complete the proposed activity prior to completion of their studies.
How to apply
For more details and an application from, please email
The allocations are considered at two points in the year:
End of Michaelmas Term (deadline for applications is Friday 13 December 2024)
Mid-Summer Term (deadline for applications is Friday 16 May 2025)
All applications received are reviewed at the same time, and not before the corresponding deadline.
If the application is successful, you will be notified by email.
Students must have their bank details registered on the university system to receive payment.
A short report is a condition of the report, detailing the learning gained from the experience. This should be submitted to the College manager at within two weeks of the activity being completed.

The Kruteen Desai Memorial Fund
The Kruteen Desai memorial Fund is named after a former Fylde Student and keen sportsman who was tragically killed in a car accident just days before he was due to graduate.
To honour Kruteen and his love of sport, the College and his Parents set up a fund in his memory which is designed to help Fylde students access sporting opportunities. This grant is designed to assist in paying for expenses directly linked to sporting participation at either College or University Level, such as club fees, kit purchase or Sports Centre membership.
How to apply
If you would like to be considered for an award from this fund, contact Fylde College Office ( for an application form. You will be required to discuss your application with the College Manager and provide evidence of your current financial situation and membership of a College or University sports team or Club. Priorty will be given to students facing financial hardship.

Home For Holidays Fund
If you are facing financial difficulties which mean you would be unable to return home during university holidays, you can apply for a grant of up to £150 to help towards to cost of travel to see family and friends.
Application procedure
If you consider yourself to be in financial hardship and will to be considered for an award from this fund, contact Fylde College Office ( for an application form. You will be required to discuss your application with the College Manager and provide evidence of financial hardship.

Other Funding Opportunities
The University offers a number of different funds and grants available to students depending on individual circumstances, as well as general information on how to budget for university life.