You should never feel that there is no one that could possibly help you with your particular problem, no matter how difficult or trivial it may seem, there is always someone who will understand and advise you. If you pop into the College Office, someone will be able to advise and point you in the right direction. There is a huge network of support stretching from Fylde College; to the Students Union; Student and Education Services and your own academic departments.
Fylde College Advice Team (CAT)
Fylde College has a team of staff who are dedicated to providing support to all Fylde College students. No matter how large or small the problem or query.
All Fylde students are allocated to the College Advisor Team and you will see this on your student portal. It is very easy to contact the team via email: or come to the College Office, and Adam the College Manager, will help you get in touch.
The team monitor the inbox during the working week Monday to Friday and will be able to answer your welfare and wellbeing questions and also point you in the right direction of the wide range of university facilities and services that may also be useful to you.
It’s important to say that the team is not just there for when things don’t go well or according to plan and they hold wellbeing events throughout the year. Please feel free to get involved and send ideas of things that you’d like to see.
The Fylde CAT also work closely with the Junior Common Room Exec to make sure that all Fylde College members have the information they need to stay as fit, healthy and happy as possible.