Contact Fylde College

College Manager for all general queries:

Adam Trepak – 01524 592686

Accommodation Manager for accommodation queries:

Our accommodation team can be contacted by email in the first instance

College Advisor Team for wellbeing and support:

For more information about welfare support, please view our Welfare pages

College Community Assistants for matters relating to student conduct.

For matters requiring an immediate response such as noise disturbance, please contact Fylde Porters.

Fylde Porters for security and out-of-hours support:

Porters – 01524 593401

In case of an emergency

If you are on campus dial Security Reception from any internal telephone 94541, which is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. From a mobile phone, telephone Security on 01524 594541.

If you are off campus call 999 to connect straight to the emergency services or go to your local accident and emergency department.

Fylde College