Professor Corina Sas


Research Overview

Research interests include human-computer interaction, with a specific focus on designing and evaluating technologies for wellbeing, mental health, memory support, creative and reflective thinking in design, as well as novel tools for designing such technologies. My work explores and integrates wearable bio sensors, mobile and lifelogging technologies.

My research was supported by grants totalling over £15.1 million, and I was Coordinator of two prestigious EC-funded Innovative Training Networks. I have spent sabbaticals as Visiting Professor at Stanford University, Carnegie Mellon University, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), University of California Irvine, and University of California Santa Cruz.

My research received extensive media coverage as well as 5 Best Paper and Honourable Mention Awards at flagship ACM CHI and DIS conferences. I have also received the AI 2000 Most Influential Scholar Honorable Mention in Human-Computer Interaction (2022), Digital Female Leader Award for Science (2019) from Global Digital Women, Lancaster University Outstanding Contribution Staff Award (2019), and Highly Commended Nomination for Researcher of the Year Dean’s Award (2019).

In 2022 I was made Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (PFHEA) for strategic international leadership of interdisciplinary large scale doctoral training programmes.

I am interested in supervising PhD projects in HCI and digital health. I have supervised to completion 15 PhD students, and in 2021 I was shortlisted by the UK Times Higher Education for the Outstanding Research Supervisor of the Year Award.

Invited talk: Ethical design for wellbeing and mental health. UCLIC Research Seminar Series
Public Lecture/ Debate/Seminar

Designing (with) AI for Wellbeing Workshop at CHI 2024
Participation in workshop, seminar, course

Doctoral Consortium at ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2023

Keynote: Ethical design for wellbeing and affective health
Invited talk

Invited talk: Ethical Design for Wellbeing and Affective Health; Technological Center for Research, Development and Innovation in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Spain
Invited talk

Smell, Taste, and Temperature Interfaces Workshop at CHI 2023
Participation in workshop, seminar, course

Invitd talk: Reflecting on the value of food for human -food interaction research. University of Leicester Seminar Series (~30)
Public Lecture/ Debate/Seminar

Invited talk: Ethical design for wellbeing and affective health. University College Dublin HCI Seminar Series (~40)
Public Lecture/ Debate/Seminar

Invited talk: Design for emotion and attention regulation. Trinity College Dublin. SIGCHI Ireland Seminars (~20)
Public Lecture/ Debate/Seminar

Keynote: Ethical Design for Wellbeing and Affective Health. Mensch und Computer (MuC) Conference, the largest HCI conference series in Europe, Darrmstadt, Germany, 5 September 2022 (audience 800).
Invited talk

Invited talk: Design for digital wellbeing and mental health. UXWaterloo: professional interest community for improving the “user experience” of products and services.
Invited talk

Invited talk, Seminar Series: Ethical design for digital wellbeing and mental health. HCI Seminar Series, Computer Science Department, Stanford University
Public Lecture/ Debate/Seminar

Invited talk: Design for attention regulation and mindfulness practices. HCI Lunch Talks, Computer Science Department, Stanford University
Invited talk

Invited talk: Self-regulation through personal technologies for wellbeing and affective health. Psychophysiology Lab, Psychology Department, Stanford University
Invited talk

Invited talk: Ethical design for wellbeing and mental health, Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences, University of California Irvine
Invited talk

Invited talk: Blockchain trust: Stakeholders’ perspectives on cryptocurrency transactions, Institute for Money, Technology and Financial Inclusion, University of California Irvine
Public Lecture/ Debate/Seminar

Invited talk: Technologies for mindfulness practices, Computational Media, University of California Santa Cruz
Invited talk

Invited talk, Seminar Series: Technologies for emotional awareness and regulation, Computational Media Department, Seminar Series, University of California Santa Cruz
Public Lecture/ Debate/Seminar

Keynote: The ethics of big data for digital wellbeing and mental health, Mental Wellbeing Workshop at DIS'20
Invited talk

Keynote: HCI research and wellbeing, Science and Spirituality Conference, Cambridge UK
Invited talk

Invited talk: Emotional wellbeing and affective health, NOVA University Lisbon, Portugal
Invited talk

Invited talk: Technologies for wellbeing and affective health, Design Lab, University of California San Diego
Invited talk

Invited talk: HCI and affective health, University of Kent
Invited talk

Invited talk: Emotions, memory, technologies, "Town and GOwn" Public Event, Centre for Aging Research, Lancaster University
Invited talk

Invited talk: Memory technologies: capture, recall and disposal, Universita della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland
Invited talk

Invited talk, Seminar Series: Technologies for emotional wellbeing and mental health, UCLIC Research Seminar, University College London (UCL).
Invited talk

Keynote: Designing for self-management of mental ill-health: The need to extend interdisciplinary bioengineering agenda, BIOSTEC Conference, Madeira, Portugal
Invited talk

Dagstuhl Seminar Invited Talk: Body-centric computing: neurofeedback, affect, memories, gestures
Invited talk

Keynote: Rituals of Disposal, Materializing Memories Mini-Symposium, Univ of Technology Sydney
Invited talk

Dagstuhl Seminar Invited Talk: Emotional memories: cueing, forgetting and digital disposal
Invited talk

Best Paper Honourable Mention Award ACM CHI 2019
Prize (including medals and awards)

Best Paper Honourable Mention Award ACM CHI 2019
Prize (including medals and awards)

CHI 2019 Special Recognition for Outstanding Reviews
Prize (including medals and awards)

Lancaster University Outstanding Contribution Staff Award 2019
Prize (including medals and awards)

Executive MBA Best Student Award 2018
Prize (including medals and awards)

Pilkington Teaching Award 2009
Prize (including medals and awards)

Nominated for the TransTech200 list of key innovators 2016
Prize (including medals and awards)

Nominated for the TransTech200 list of key innovators 2017
Prize (including medals and awards)

Dean's Awards in Faculty of Science and Technology: Highly Commended Nomination for Researcher of the Year 2019
Other distinction

Digital Female Leader Award 2019: Science Category
Prize (including medals and awards)

CHI 2016 Special Recognition for Outstanding Reviews
Prize (including medals and awards)

CHI 2016 Special Recognition for Outstanding Reviews - Notes
Prize (including medals and awards)

Best Paper Honourable Mention Award ACM CHI 2020
Prize (including medals and awards)

Best Paper Honourable Mention Award ACM DIS 2020
Prize (including medals and awards)

Best Paper Honourable Mention Award ACM CHI 2019
Prize (including medals and awards)

CHI 2021 Special Recognition for Outstanding Reviews
Prize (including medals and awards)

Higher Education Academy: Outstanding Research Supervisor of the Year; Shortlisted nomination
Other distinction

AI 2000 Most Influential Scholar Honorable Mention in Human-Computer Interaction
Prize (including medals and awards)

Best Paper Award ACM CHI 2022
Prize (including medals and awards)

DIS 2023 Special Recognition for Outstanding Reviews
Other distinction

ACM Distinguished Speaker, (2022-2025)
Other distinction

  • Digital Health Group
  • Institute for Social Futures Fellow
  • SCC (Pervasive Systems)