What we've been reading
The Literature strand of our research has served as a bridge for our interdisciplinary work. Below are some of the titles we have read and discussed together working in literary reading groups. Please feel free to contact us to share your suggestions and check out our events listing to listen to our research showcase series, where Sharon Ruston and Georgia Walton, our literature and creative writing academic leads discuss What’s Literature Got to Do with It? How Literature Shapes Our Views of Reproductive Technology.

The Argonauts, Maggie Neslon

Still Born, Guadalupe Nettel

Lilith's Brood, Octavia Bulter

The Growing Season, Helen Sedgwick

Oryx and Crake, Margaret Atwood

The Year of the Flood, Margaret Atwood

Maddaddam, Margaret Atwood

The Poetics of DNA, Judith Roof

Reproductions of Reproduction, Judith Roof

Brave New World, Aldous Huxley

The Einstein Intersection, Samuel R. Delany

TestoJunkie, Paul B. Preciado

The Midwich Cuckoos, John Wyndham

The Chrysalids, John Wyndham

Reproduction, Louisa Hall

The Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction, Ursula Le Guin

Frankenstein, Mary Shelley

Future Home of the Living God, Louise Erdrich