IVG Ethics and Policy Network

Our aim is to bring together a diverse, international network of experts to support informed policy discussion about the issues raised by IVG.

About the Network

An international network exploring the ethical, regulatory and policy challenges raised by in vitro gametogenesis (IVG).

The IVG Ethics and Policy Network brings together international experts to explore the ethical and regulatory challenges raised by in vitro gametogenesis (IVG). IVG is the creation of eggs and sperm from non-reproductive cells (e.g. skin cells) or embryonic stem cells. This rapidly developing biotechnology has the potential to revolutionise human reproduction.

Recognising the need for a plurality of perspectives and the importance of taking a proactive approach to the issues raised by the potential introduction of IVG, our network currently includes representatives from European bioethics commissions and committees; academics with ethical, legal and regulatory expertise; the CEO of a US-based IVG biotech start-up; and scientists working on IVG in Japan, the Netherlands and the US.

By bringing these different voices into dialogue through our network, we aim to facilitate more informed policy discussion about IVG.

The IVG Ethics and Policy Network builds on a previous project on IVG undertaken by The Future of Human Reproduction team in collaboration with the Nuffield Council on Bioethics. The culmination of this UK-focused work, a Policy Briefing Note, is due to be published later in 2024.

An IVG Ethics and Policy Symposium, held on 3rd and 4th June 2024 in Leiden, scaled-up the UK-specific work to incorporate perspectives on the issues raised by IVG in different in-country contexts. This symposium marked the first meeting of our network.

More broadly, the IVG Ethics and Policy Network also speaks to the aims of The Future of Human Reproduction programme, which has IVG as one of its three major research themes.

3D Render of a Biological Scene with Central Ovum Surrounded by Sperm Cells - AI generated



Representatives in our network come from European bioethics commissions and committees; academics with ethical, legal and regulatory expertise; the CEO of a US-based IVG biotech start-up; and scientists working on IVG in Japan, the Netherlands and the US.

If you would like to find out more about the IVG Ethics and Policy Network or are interested in becoming a member, please email futureofhumanreproduction@lancaster.ac.uk.

Live Scribe Art from the Symposium

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