Opportunities for current students

Furness College Reps

College Welcome Reps

Furness Reps are Part II students (second, third or sometimes fourth-year undergraduate) who are allocated to first-year flats. They help make the transition to University life as seamless as possible and provide peer support. Reps guide new students throughout welcome week initially, but maintain informal contact with their flats throughout the academic year.

Being a Rep is a great way to develop new skills and earn 15 points towards the Lancaster Award.

Reps are fully trained and create a sense of community and belonging.

Applications for Welcome Week 2025 are now open. If you would like to be involved, please complete our online application.

For more information, contact Jo in the College Office or your JCR President or VP Wellbeing Officer.

Open Day ambassadors

Open Day ambassadors

The University hosts up to four Open Days per calendar year. At every Open Day, we recruit several students to work with us and talk to prospective students and their families about life in Furness and Lancaster. These posts are usually advertised via the University ERS website. For more information, contact Jo in the College Office.

Bar staff

Furness bar (Trevor) recruits the majority of its staff from the student population. Student staff members report to the Bar Manager. Job adverts are usually posted via the University ERS website. For more information – you can ask behind the bar!

Furness bar
Social media on mobile phone

International Buddy Scheme

New students choosing to study at Lancaster from outside the UK often have a lot of questions as they begin to adjust to a different cultural environment. Our International Buddy Programme aims to help with the transition to support new international students adapt to living and studying in the UK by matching them with a current Furness student.

If you are coming to Lancaster in October 2024 and are interested in being paired up with a buddy, please complete the expression of interest form.

If you are interested in finding out more about the scheme, contact Furness Buddies.

Students chatting near County

Community Assistants

The Community Assistants are responsible for aiding the Dean in upholding the rules and discipline of the College students. They are full-time postgraduate students and live in Furness Accommodation during the academic year. Community Assistant are unique in that they are contracted members of staff, but are allowed to compete in Undergraduate competitions and the competitive sports teams for the College. These positions are paid by Lancaster University and advertised through the Employment and Recruitment Service - ERS and on our News page.

Applications for the academic year 2024/25 have now closed.

Other part-time work...

The University has a great Careers department that can help support you in every aspect of building your CV and professional experience. As well as all of the opportunities lifted above, the Careers team also runs the Employment and Recruitment Service (ERS) – Lancaster's very own part-time job agency. It's a great way to pick up some extra part-time work and build up your CV. For more information, see the Careers website.

Careers mentorship