Furness JCR Executive | January 2025
President: Carys Smith
VP Wellbeing & Campaigns: David Grice
VP Socials and Events: Tom Fisher
VP Democracy & Finance Officer: Rory O'Ceallaigh
Social & Events Officer: Jack Attridge and Poppy Nancarrow
Media & Communications Officers: Angelina Lwanga and Lena Szafraniec
International Student Representative Officer: Anderson Tang
Sports Officers (Men's+ and Women's+): Dylan Eyers and Taya Hodges
Women's+ Representative Officer: Kayla Galbraith
Men's+ Representative Officer: Alex Hall
Contact Us
If you would like to get in touch with any members of your JCR, please email FurnessJCR@lancaster.ac.uk
Follow Us
The JCR advertise events and campaigns on their Instagram page. Do make sure to follow the page so that you know what is happening within the College each week.