A message from your incoming JCR President

Hi everyone,
My name is Carys (She/Her) and I’m going to be your next president of Furness.
I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of our JCR exec and as a college to thank Rory our outgoing president for all he has done for the college.
I would also like to thank our outgoing officers Leah Buttery, Ariana Dell and Petrina Walker for all they have given to their respective roles.
At the same time welcoming our continuing and new JCR members with Jack joining the socials team, Lena on Media & Communications and Anderson as our International Officer.
I would like to say thank you so much for putting your trust in me as your next president and for the support I’ve had over the last year as your Vice President, I’ve been so lucky to have so much attendance, support and love on all the 15 hours, Treveoke and Trev quizzes I’ve ran !!
My only hope over my next year in tenure is you incredible people keep giving so much to the college. You are what makes the college undisputedly and factual the best.
Did I mention we won JCR of the year for a second time in row and conquered Cartmel at Patriots 3 (soon to be 4) years in a row!!
Please don’t be afraid to come to me with anything at all, I can almost always be found in Trev! I’m always here to help, listen or even just to point you in the right direction of who’s best to talk to!!
I hope you all have a enjoyable and restful winter break and bring on new year, Up the Ness!!
Carys Smith
Incoming JCR President
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