Duckling on water

Awards & Scholarships

Each year we assist students with financial awards and scholarships to enable them to get the best out of their plans, from transformative experiences to postgraduate study after you graduate. To be eligible, students(s) need to be up-to-date with the payment of the college fee, unless there are any previously declared extenuating circumstances.

We also offer short term College Loans of up to £100 for those Furnessians who find themselves in need. These can be made available on the same day as they are agreed but must be repaid within six weeks. If you do find yourself in a situation whereby you require a loan, please contact the College Manager Jo in the first instance to discuss it.

The Lancaster Opportunity and Access Fund (LOAF) is designed to help students who may require extra financial support and are assessed on financial need. Any award from the fund is given as a grant and is non-repayable. Full details of all financial support awards can be found on the University Student Funding page.

Furness Scholarship Fund

We are able to offer a limited number of awards to current and former undergraduate members of the Furness as they embark on a postgraduate course at Lancaster University.

These scholarships take into consideration academic ability, financial hardship and previous involvement in college activities such as JCR Executive Officer, Welcome Rep, International Host Buddy, College Sports.

If you would like to apply for this award, please complete the online application, which must include your covering letter and details of an academic referee. Candidates may be invited to attend an interview to discuss their plans.

The deadline for 2025/26 applications is 12.00 noon on Thursday 29 May 2025 (week 26).

Becky's story...

The Furness College scholarship was so helpful in allowing me to study a master’s degree in Marketing, which has greatly shaped my future.

Being an active member of the college made me a good candidate for the scholarship, and created a great relationship between myself and the college staff. I held the position of Media and Communications officer on the Furness JCR for two consecutive years, alongside being a Welcome Week Rep and a member of two college teams. It was actually my role on the JCR that helped me realise that a career in marketing was more suited to my skills and interests, which lead to me applying for the MSc Marketing course at Lancaster University.

I used my scholarship to pay towards my accommodation during my studies. This allowed me to stay on in Lancaster and pursue a new path that would give me more career prospects and exciting opportunities beyond my degree. I am now looking at jobs in advertising, social media and television. For that I am extremely grateful to the college and staff, and would recommend applying for the scholarship.

Becky, former Furness student

Engagement and Opportunities Fund

This Furness College Fund is about helping students to overcome financial barriers to engage in University life.

​Undergraduate members of Furness College are able to apply for funds of up to £50 to allow them to take advantage of any activity or opportunity that they would not otherwise be able to afford. For example, joining a society or sports team.

Applications must explain how the requested funds will benefit their student experience or ability to engage in extra-curricular activities and where the costs of the activities prohibit you from taking part.

As this fund is all about helping students to overcome financial barriers to engaging in university life.

Applications can be submitted at any time of the academic year, up until 12 noon on Thursday 29 May 2025 (week 26).

Applicants must complete an Engagement and Opportunities Fund form and are welcome to discuss their situation with either the Principal or College Manager.

Email to request more information.

Home for the Holidays Fund

This Furness College Fund is about helping students to overcome financial barriers to engage in University life.

If you are facing financial difficulties which mean you would be unable to return home during university holidays, you can apply for to the Home for Holidays Fund to help towards to cost of travel to see family and friends.

Furness College is offering a limited number of awards to current undergraduate members of our College who wish to apply for funds of up to £150 to allow them to return home during the university holidays.

This fund is expressly for those in financial difficulty.

Awards available of up to £150. However, we will consider all applications and allocate funds accordingly, based on the level of financial difficulty and cost of travel.

Applications for 'Home for Christmas Fund' will be considered up until mid-day on 7 November 2024 (week 6).
Applications for 'Home for Easter Fund' will be considered up until mid-day on 20 February 2025 (week 16).

As this fund is all about helping students to overcome financial barriers, applicants must provide a bank statement (most recent month) to evidence the requirement for financial support and have paid their College membership fee.

Applicants must complete the Home for the Holidays Fund formand are welcome to discuss their situation with either the Principal or College Manager.

Email to request more information.

Fuelled by Furness Fund

This Furness College Fund is about helping students to overcome financial barriers to engage in University life.

If you are facing financial difficulties you can apply for to the Fuelled by Furness Fund to help towards the cost of your energy bills and/or rent, if you have seen a significant rise.

Furness College is offering a limited number of awards to current undergraduate members of our College who wish to apply for funds of up to £150 to allow them to help try to manage the rising cost of living.

This fund is expressly for those in financial difficulty.

Awards available of up to £150. However, we will consider all applications and allocate funds accordingly, based on the level of financial difficulty and evidence on recent bills.

Applications for 'Fuelled by Furness' fund will be considered up until Friday 31st January 2025 and payments will be made in February/March. Applications are now open.

As this fund is all about helping students to overcome financial barriers, applicants must provide a recent energy bills and/or rent bills together with your most recent bank statement to evidence the requirement for financial support, and have paid their college membership.

Applicants must complete the Fuelled by Furness form and are welcome to discuss their situation with either the Principal or College Manager.

Email to request more information.

Transformative Experience Awards (TEAs)

Furness College Transformative Experience Awards (TEAs) funding will open on 1st January 2025.

We are keen to support our students to undertake a transformative experience, be that at home, on-campus, or in Lancaster. We are particularly interested in funding activities which in some ways reflect our College’s Values, but that isn’t restrictive. We are open to funding any type of project or activity, so that could be a project within a community with which you’re involved; an experience which will broaden your horizons, either in the UK or abroad; or something completely different – it is up to you to pitch your idea to us and tell us why we should fund your transformative experience!

Full and part-time Furness students who have paid their college membership fees and are in their first and second year of study are eligible to apply and can make enquiries with the College Manager in the college office.

There is limited funding available, with a maximum award of £500. The College reserves the right not to award the full amount requested. Applications can be made individually or as a group of students. For groups, the lead applicant must be a first or second year Furness student, and other applicants must all be current students at Lancaster University, though please note that this fund is not open to applications from societies or clubs.

The applications are assessed by the Deputy Senior Advisor and the JCR President, who will be looking out for a convincing argument that your idea will be some way transform your personal development, studies, career prospects, etc. You simply need to complete an online application form.

After your transformative experience, we ask that you write up your experiences as a report with some pictures so we can see what you've been up to.

The deadline for reports is by the second week of the following term.

The application deadlines are Thursday week 16 of the Lent term (20 February 2025), no later than 12:00 noon, and Thursday week 26 of the summer term (29 May 2025), no later than 12:00 noon. Students can only apply for one award per academic year, either as an individual or as the lead applicant of a group.

You must notify the College immediately if your plans subsequently change; the award will then be converted into a loan that is repayable to the College.