Image ID : |
This is included in the primary document, assigned from the corpus image directory |
Source Data : |
Paper |
Guardian |
Daily Mail |
Telegraph |
The Sun |
Section |
Main |
Sports |
Financial |
International |
G2 |
Media |
Education |
On Line |
Higher Education |
Women |
Date |
Page Number |
PG |
The source data is quite self-explanatory as it is taken direct from the corpus papers. When it is actually coded into atlas it is all placed in to a quotation at the top left hand corner of the image in question. |
Components of the News Item : |
Headline |
Yes/No if yes H1 H2 transcription |
Caption |
Yes/No if yes C1 C2 transcription comment on position |
Text Story |
Yes/No if yes TS comment on column length |
Image Status |
Primary |
Illustrative |
Symbiotic |
Other Images |
Adimage+no |
Here again the actually information is taken from the newspaper original. We will have in the near future a photocopy of each page that comprises a corpus image. What differs here from the source data is that use is made of Atlas' memo function. The codes are assigned to a quotation at the bottom of the image, using the caption where available or a square in the bottom left. The Headline and Caption are typed as they appear using the image id number with the suffix H1, C1, H2, C2 as appropriate to label the Memo's. The Text story is represented by the suffix TS and is found in the memo in the following format:- column length, then author of article if available, followed by any comments on the use of graphics and/or quotes taken from the text. The image status once decided goes in the same quotation as does the additional images, which itself may have it's own memo suffixed Ad |
Mediational Processes : |
Picture Source |
Photographer |
Stock photograph |
Authorship |
Yes/No attribution if yes annotate |
Picture Type |
Colour |
B+W |
Angle |
Above |
Level |
Below |
Lens |
Wide |
Standard |
Telephoto |
Complicity |
Candid |
Semi-Candid |
Posed |
This category pertains to the processes involved in the actual creation of the image. The codes like before are all anchored to a quotation, this time located at the top right of the image. The picture source relates to whether or not the photograph appears to have been taken primarily for the news story. Any uncertainty surrounding notions of digital alteration of images will be noted in a memo suffixed PS and linked to this code/quotation. Authorship is related to picture source and any credit given to a photographer is registered in Atlas as a memo attached to the Authorship code and sufficed as Auth. Picture type is self explanatory, distinguishing between colour and black and white images. Angle pertains to that angle the image appears to have been taken from with Level representing the default. Likewise, Lens seeks to suggest the type of lens used with again Standard being used as the default. Complicity is an interesting category and relates to the relationships between photographer and subject. The Candid sub-category is for pictures where the subject is unaware of the photographer's action. With Semi-Candid, although the photographer may not have communicated with, or orchestrated the subjects there is still a level of interaction (maybe even choreographed by the subject themselves). With the posed category it is obvious that the photographer has controlled the subject/s. |
Literacy Content : |
Type |
Event |
Environment |
Body |
Document |
Participants |
Male/Female |
Number P1 P2 P3 |
Ethnic Group |
White European |
Afro-Caribbean |
Asian |
Chinese |
American |
African |
Age |
Child |
Teenager |
Adult |
Mature Adult 65+ |
Activities |
Writing |
Reading |
Display |
Carrying |
Wearing |
Leaning |
Computing |
Artefact |
Countless codes |
Setting to be expanded |
Where the event is occurring e.g. a classroom |
Domain |
In what domain the event is occurring e.g. political |
Indoors |
Outdoors |
The Literacy Category deals with the components of the image that actually make up the literacy interaction. First one of the four categories we have established (Event, Environment, Written on the Body, and Document) is assigned to the image, with the quotation for the code being placed in the left-hand corner. The image is then deconstructed into its elements starting with the participants/subjects. Gender, Ethnic origin, and Age are coded around quotations linked to the participant involved. Similarly the participants actions are linked to their personal quotation. The category of Artefact is perhaps the most diverse category in terms of the number of codes. It is felt important to note the props that are employed during the act of literacy. Each artefact code is applied to a quotation surrounding the artefact in question. Equally important is the Setting i.e. where the event is taking place, and the Domain, i.e. the context for the event. Finally a note is made of whether the event takes place in or outdoors. The Setting, Domain codes are placed in the same quotation, in the bottom left of the primary document, as the Literacy Content category |
Emergent Themes: |
Accessory |
Evidence |
Opposition |
Identity |
Threat |
Celebration |
Organizing Life |
Personal Communication |
Private Leisure |
Documenting Life |
Sense Making |
Social Participation |
This category stems from work previously undertaken by Dr Mary Hamilton et al, and seeks to ascribe the themes evident in the actions of literacy participation. |
Commentary |
This is rather a miscellaneous box where memos can be created to capture those elements of the image that are not dealt with in the coding |