Practical Procedures for Interviewing
Prior to Interview
- Identify interviewee and essential background information about them.
- Design a set of interview questions tailored to the interviewee, choosing
from among the questions listed in this protocol.
- Arrange date and time of interview, explain aims of project
- Send interview questions ahead of interview with covering letter asking
for any documents, data and resources that may be helpful to be identified
where possible prior to interview
- Send website address and short blurb and contact details of interviewer
- Request permission for taping interview
- Inform interviewee that a transcript will be provided for clarification
and amendment
- Check tape recorder, spare batteries and tapes.
During Interview
- At interview, provide background information to the project
- Re-confirm permission to record, confidentiality and transcript to
be provided.
- Check tape recorder and conduct voice test.
- Throughout interview take notes.
- At end of interview ask for consent form to be signed.
- Identify any action to be followed up by Changing faces team.
- Request permissions to follow up issues by telephone/face to face/e-mail
After Interview
- Write up Contextual interview notes.
- Complete face sheet information and enter into database.
- Identify action points
- Send tapes to be transcribed
- Write letter of thanks to interviewee and ask for confirmation of
promised materials+ any extra information needed.
- Check and edit transcript
- Send transcript to interviewee and ask to confirm/amend accordingly.
Request any additional information at this point.
- Arrange to follow up with telephone/face to face meeting where necessary
- Enter factual content information from interview into database (key
people. Moments, dates and events)
- Save transcript and notes on-line in one WORD file ready to enter
into Atlas-ti.