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Adult Learners Questions

PART 1: Your Personal Experience/Career (Adult Learners)

Areas to explore with interviewees include:

  • Self-esteem and learning
  • Aspirations around literacy/numeracy/general
  • Communication preferences and technologies - anything about "feelings" associated with these, especially, literacy and electronic/computer-based technologies
  • Different languages used in the home and with neighbours and friends -spoken/ written?
  • Learning from other people - guiding lights - parents? Neighbours? Friends and workmates? (e.g. learning to drive)
  • Teaching other people - brokers
  • Adapting existing skills, taking on new things - how, why

6 important areas of everyday life:

  • organising life
  • personal communication
  • private leisure
  • documenting life
  • sense making and
  • social participation
  • Have you ever tried to learn things on your own at home (basic skills and other things)? If "yes" How? Using what materials? Synchronised with other media? Or formal courses?
  • What counts as "learning" to you? How do you know when you've learned something?
  • Things you are interested in or are especially important/useful to you at the moment (offer examples "I've got a friend who..........martial arts, Egyptology, cancer, legal things, children, fitness/health, fashion". How do you follow up these interests? Newsletters? Chat groups? books?
  • Do you ever write things for other people about these things or give them information? Do people come to you for advice?
  • Are there things you do for other people regularly: (looking after, DIY, running a catalogue, driving, making things, cooking), groups you are part of (sports, weight watchers, playgroups, babysitting, brownies or scouts, music, church).
  • In a typical week, what do you do that might involve finding things out: reading/writing/numbers/ computers/listening/viewing media and which ones?? (try and think about even the small things, like buying a lottery ticket, signing a form at the doctors, picking up a magazine)
  • Who would you go to find something out? What is your child was ill? If you had difficulties in filling in a form or understanding an official letter? Working out money problems?
  • When you want to learn something, what works well for you, what doesn't work so well?
  • What resources do you have in your home and who has access to them? Who uses them and when?/where (reading/writing materials/computers, mobile phones, CB radios, TV, video) Borrowing books, buying them for others etc,

Is it possible for you to get by with the skills and resources you have got:

  • in your work?
  • in organising and getting things done in your life?
  • to keep in touch with other people[letters, greetings cards, phone,e-mail]?
  • to look back on the past and make sense of what is going on in the world [ask: what personal and family records kept - who does this, when and how]?
  • to relax and enjoy yourself [leisure interests]?
  • to find out what is going on and to get involved (e.g. in politics and local groups)?
  • other?

PART 2: The Bigger Picture (Adult Learners)

  • Seen any TV ads about this lately? Newspaper reports about the way things are going?
  • Remember back to earlier ones - name them, show logos?? [Bob Hoskins and Gremlins]
  • Ever been sent or noticed publicity about adult courses?
  • Would you know where to go to get information about courses?
  • Ever taken part in a course since you left school [if "yes" views about this experience]
  • Ever talked to friends or family about doing this?
  • If you did take a course, what would you look for in a teacher?
  • Thinking of something you can do well that you are proud of, have learned successfully: how did you learn to do that? Did someone teach you, and if so, what was it about them that helped you?
  • Thinking about a not- so- successful experience of learning, where you tried or intended to learn but didn't: what got in the way, held you back?
  • Is there anything you've learned about/how to do that you would like to be recognised for - to get a qualification or a certificate proving you have done it? How important are certificates?
  • Have you ever wanted to learn something but been put off because of the cost? Would you be prepared to pay? Do it in work time?
  • How important is it for the government to be spending money on courses for adults? Are there things you think are more important?X and Y people have said this about this initiative "QUOTE........." How would you respond to that?

PART 3: Key Moments and People (Adult Learners)

Looking back at your life in decades 20s 30s 40s.... Zero in especially on survey points eg age 37

  • What were you doing then?
  • Can you identify moments of important change for you? Highs and lows? Hopes and disappointments
  • What would you like to achieve by 50 - 60 years?

Looking back on your education now..........

  • Have ways of learning changed since you were at school?
  • Significant influences on you - "guiding lights" - people who encouraged and supported you - or who didn't but should have?
  • What have you learned from your experience and what will you tell the next generation?
  • What have you learned from your children and from having children?

How important do you think reading/writing/ being able to deal with numbers/using a computer is?

  • Compared with your parents generation?
  • For your children?
  • Do you think most people can read/write/ deal with numbers/use a computer well enough?
