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Building Co-design Strategies in Higher Education Using Technology-Enhanced Learning Scenarios.
Symposium Organisers: Begoña Gros, Department of Theory and History of Education, University of Barcelona. Iolanda Garcia, eLearn Center, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Spain.
Symposium Introduction
Networked learning is “learning in which information and communications is used to promote connections: between one learner and other learners, between learners and tutors; between a learning community and its learning resources.” (Goodyear et al. 2004:2). This definition of networked learning goes beyond merely denoting ‘online learning’ or ‘e-learning’, as it encompasses theoretical assumptions about learning and how to design for learning. The idea of networked learning suggests that learning is not confined to the individual mind or the individual learner, it is located in the connections and interactions between learners, teachers and resources. As such, “networked learning theory seems to encompass an understanding of learning as a social, relational phenomenon, and a view of knowledge and identity as constructed through interaction and dialogue” (Rybertm Buus, Georgsen, 2012: 44).
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Analysing and supporting the process of co-designing inquiry-based and technology-enhanced learning scenarios in higher education.
Iolanda Garcia, Elena Barberà, eLearn Center, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Begoña Gros, Anna Escofet, Marc Fuertes, Ingrid Noguera, Marta López, Department of Theory and History of Education, University of Barcelona. Meritxell Cortada, Marta Marimón, Department of Didactics of Arts and Sciences, University of Vic.
This paper is framed within a research project on the co-design of learning scenarios in higher education. Co-design is understood as a creative process developed collaboratively by teachers, students and researchers to design inquiry-based and technology-enhanced and networked learning scenarios. In this process, methods and instruments from the field of participatory design and learning design are used. Among other things, the co-design process involves discussing and negotiating the design principles to be used on a shared basis in order to devise the learning scenarios. These design principles are based on recent approaches to the model of inquiry-based and networked learning.
The study applies the methodology of design-based research. The object of study is therefore the very process of co-designing, taking as key agents both the teachers and the students to whom those practices are addressed. A mixed approach is used for data collection, analysis and interpretation.
It is the purpose of the research to develop instruments that support the co-design process and products through its representation and explanation. Several design tools and conceptual artefacts are used to guide practitioners in the creation of a common “language” and help them to reflect and to represent practice during the co-design process. Furthermore, a co-design methodology is proposed and applied in a cycle starting from the problematisation of the learning practice towards the creative envisioning of multiple solutions and the operationalisation of one of these solutions as a learning scenario.
In particular the paper reports the first phase of the research which analyses the co-design work developed with a group of teachers from universities with two different models, one of them blended and the other virtual. Firstly, the theoretical framework is developed to highlight the theoretical and practical interactions between participatory design methods and tools and the domain of learning design. Secondly, the research design is described and a model is proposed for the analysis of the co-design process of inquiry-based and technology-enhanced and networked learning scenarios. To conclude, we discuss the major implications and challenges of this approach.
Learning co-design, learning scenarios, representation of practice, design patterns, technology-enhanced learning, inquiry-based learning, higher education.
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The 7Cs of Learning Design – a new approach to rethinking design practice.
Gráinne Conole, University of Leicester
Designing for learning is arguably the key challenge facing education today; new technologies offer a plethora of ways in which learners can interact with rich multimedia, communicate and collaborate. Despite this teachers lack the necessary digital literacy skills to make effective design decisions that are pedagogically informed and make appropriate use of technologies. Learning Design has emerged in the last ten years as a means of addressing this, by providing teachers with guidance and support for their design practices. Learning Design is predicated on three aspects: guidance, visualisation and sharing. The paper will describe the development and evaluation of a new framework for Learning Design, the 7Cs of Learning Design. The framework consists of the following elements:
Conceptualise (i.e. what are you designing and why, who are you designing for?),
Capture (in terms of capturing resources to be used and activities around Learner Generated Content), Communicate (mechanisms to foster communication), Collaborate (mechanisms to foster collaboration), Consider (activities to promote reflection and enable assessment), Combine (combining the activities to give a holistic overview of the design and associated learning pathways), and Consolidate (in terms of running the design in a real learning context, evaluating, refining and sharing the design). The paper will describe the framework and how it can be used, along with an evaluation of its application in practice. It will conclude by contextualising this work within recent broader developments in the field. The framework can be used by individual teacher or with groups of teachers co-designing learning interventions. The latter has been effectively delivered in a series of workshops we have run over the past year.
Learning Design, The 7Cs of Learning Design framework, JISC-funded SPEED project, workshops, evaluation, METIS, Larnaca Declaration on Learning Design, Integrated Learning Design Environment (ILDE)
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Learning Design Family Tree to Back Reuse and Cooperation
Jonathan Chacon, Davinia Hernández-Leo (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain
The types of artefacts or solutions used towards the creation learning designs (Learning design Solutions, LdS) are diverse (patterns, course maps, activities, etc.) and have varied or multiple lives. Sometimes designs are created by an individual teacher for a single use with their students. But often, they are reused the following years or by other teachers with minor adaptations. Other times, designs are co-outlined by networks of teacher and later refined by each teacher for their particular group of students, or they are co-designed involving students. These scenarios can imply the creation of multiple replicas of the same design, which in turn may be duplicated and refined as new LdS. In this paper we state that supporting the management and visualization of interrelated LdS can back scenarios of cooperation and reuse in the context of design communities. In particular, we propose an LdS branching model visualized following a family-tree metaphor. We define a "learning designs’ family" as a collection of learning designs which weren't started from scratch but by replicating (or duplicating) a particular existing learning design. The model, and its visualization, has been implemented as a new feature in the LdShake teacher-community platform, as part of the Metis Integrated Learning Design Environment (ILDE). The development of the feature consists of two main modules: one devoted to the management of the family-related LdS and another focused on their visualization. On the one hand, the management module is in charge of storing LdS replicas’ data, managing their interrelations, and retrieving a learning design family corresponding to a given LdS. On the other hand, the visualization module displays a learning design family as square-shaped icons representing LdSs, and its family-relations using arrows. This first implementation of both the model and its visualization has enabled the collection of the first feedback from learning technology experts. The evaluation was carried out online. 11 experts responded to our invitation to try the feature completing a set of tasks and an on-line questionnaire. Their opinions indicate that the feature is interesting and could significantly address relevant learning design and co-design situations. They used the feature satisfactorily but also pointed out several suggestions to improve its usability and enhance its potential utility. The suggestions are being considered in a second iteration of the model and its implementation, which will be used by teachers in the Metis workshops.
Learning Design, reuse, learning design management, visualization, family tree metaphor, teacher communities.
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Assessing the value of design narratives, patterns and scenarios in scaffolding co-design processes in the domain of technology enhanced learning
Yishay Mor, Independent Consultant, Steven Warburton, University of Surrey, UK.
In order to promote pedagogically informed use of technology, educators need to develop an active, inquisitive, design-oriented mind-set. Design Patterns have been demonstrated as powerful mediators of theory-praxis conversations yet widespread adoption by the practitioner community remains a challenge (Goodyear et al., 2004). Over several years, the authors and their colleagues have facilitated many workshops in which participants shared experiences, captured these as design narratives, extracting design patterns, and applied them to novel teaching challenges represented as design scenarios. This paper analysis the value of design narratives, patterns and scenarios in scaffolding co-design processes in light of previous work in this area.
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