Higher Education Close Up 3Society for Research into Higher Education home page Lancaster University home page
International Research Conference, Lancaster UK, 20 - 22nd July 2010
Home > Parallel session 2

Parallel Session 2


MR 3

Paper 10


Paper 11


Paper 12




On the problem of theorising
Sue Clegg, Leeds Metropolitan University

Building theory from cases: Some reflections on practice and experience
Anne-Marie De Jonghe and John Taylor, University of Southampton

Theory and method, case studies and comparisons, the personal, political and professional in a lecturer's career
Henry Miller, Aston University


MR 4


Paper 13


Paper 14



Paper 15






Virtuous mess and wicked clarity: struggle in higher education research
Jan McArthur, University of Edinburgh

Comparing pedagogical arrangements for Sociology in universities of different status: A Bernsteinian analysis
Monica McLean, Nottingham University, Andrea Abbas, Teeside University, Paul Ashwin, Lancaster University, Ourania Filippakou, Nottingham University

Conceptualising the first year student experience: the dominance of the 'transitions' metaphor
Paul Ashwin, Lancaster University

MR 5

Paper 16


Paper 17


Paper 18



Student academic literacy practices in a South African vocational web design and development course: What extending the methodological lens might reveal
Lynn Coleman, The Open University, UK

Using Systems Thinking to Develop Theory from Practice in Education
Corrinne Shaw & Kalpana Nathoo, University of Cape Town

Staff, Standards and Situation Using situational analysis as method of inquiry on tutor experiences of assessment standards in higher education
Birgit den Outer and Karen Handley, Oxford Brookes University


MR 6


Paper 19


Paper 20


Paper 21


The methodological challenge: To cover a field of practice by mapping the field from macro to mezo to micro levels
Karen Borgnakke, University of Copenhagen

Raising the esteem of educational research and practice knowledge in a Russell Group University
Sue Robson, Kate Wall & Rachel Lofthouse, Newcastle University

Adapting Social Practice Theories for use in evaluating cultural change.
Neil Lent, Lancaster University


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