Logging on to BNCweb
A copy of the BNC is held on the Internet by the Department of English at the University of
Zurich, in Switzerland. BNCweb is the concordance software that accesses this copy of the BNC. With BNCweb, you can
search the entire BNC, or limit yourself to just part of it. You don't need a special program to search the corpus -
BNCweb operates in a standard window of Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator.
BNCweb is not open to all the Internet. To access it, you will need a login name
and a password which will be given to you.
To log on to BNCweb,
click here, and enter your login name and password. Press "OK".
This window will stay open, and you can refer to it as you work your way through the exercises
on these web pages. If you accidentally close the BNCweb window, you can get it back by pressing the "Launch"
button next to each exercise.