Claire Craig, Graham Nesbitt
The Design for Health Global Network fosters an international community of design researchers working in the context of health and wellbeing. The network advances the theory and practice of design-led research in health by building an ecosystem to share knowledge and promote critical discourse.
The ambitions of the network are:
- To build capacity and capability of design researchers working/undertaking enquiry in the field of Health.
- To raise awareness of the role that design plays in the promotion of health and wellbeing. Provide a platform to enhance networking, collaboration and promote inclusivity and opportunities with D4H.
- Advance theory and practice of design-led research in health.
- Promote the value of design across other disciplines and context.
- Encourage interdisciplinary research.
- Allow critical discourse about the state of these disciplines.
Research is currently being undertaken to build a visual identity for the network which speaks both to design and health. Through this research insight have emerged relating to how the network can support the needs of these diverse communities.
Funders: Research England
Partners: Good Health, Auckland University of Technology