Noemie Soula

Our world is changing rapidly, and the increasing pollution is not without impact on human lives. But can it also be one of the drivers of evolution? Or will pollution become an integral part of our bodies, sneaking into our DNA? 

Mythical Living Data investigates and speculates on how creating chimaeras with natural and artificial data-based DNA could provide a storage solution and collect live data from the environment through genetic mutations. This project provides tools to engage in bioethical debates through storytelling and narration. More than providing solution, this work is provocative and stimulates audience imagination in rethinking our future as humans. 

It explores how DNA holds a data blueprint that makes living beings, how this DNA and the data it contains can often become changed, overwritten or deleted because of external factors. It is a decisive win for nurture over nature, for an anthropomorphic environment. 

But when the DNA changes, it also becomes the permanent record of that change. It stores the new data, becoming a library of evolution. 

Funders: Research England Expanding Excellence in England and Da Vinci Labs  

Mythical Living Data: an inquiry into the future of DNA as data storage – Lab4Living | Design for Health & Wellbeing | Sheffield Hallam University