PhD Study
We offer traditional UK style PhD supervision in medicine, biomedicine and health-related social science, with unique opportunities to complete a PhD via distance e-learning coursework, research and thesis.
We offer traditional UK style PhD supervision in medicine, biomedicine and health-related social science, with unique opportunities to complete a PhD via distance e-learning coursework, research and thesis.
Please contact your department for the latest details on PhDs in Health and Medicine. Each department will also have full details on the latest funded PhD opportunities and on how to apply for your PhD.
In addition to traditional UK-style PhD supervision, we offer PhD study by Blended Learning.
Applications to study for a PhD/MPhil and MD are made directly to Lancaster University.
You should provide an outline of your proposed research topic to support your application. Applicants for allocated studentships from Research Councils in the UK should give the title of the project and should indicate any previous experience which is relevant.
Before submitting an application, it is important that you contact the relevant Divisional staff to discuss your application.
Applying for postgraduate studyIn order to study at postgraduate level you'll need funding to cover your tuition fees and living costs. The University and external bodies can provide assistance, as can the Faculty of Health and Medicine.
Fees and FundingThinking about applying for a PhD?
See our current Research Studentships
PhD StudentshipsAs an interdisciplinary faculty our research students have access to high quality training from across the University. The Faculty also runs specific research workshops available to students from other faculties. Depending on your chosen research specialism you will be able to access workshops offered by the Faculty of Science and Technology, the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and Lancaster University Management School, in addition to more specialised subject or discipline-based training courses.
This series of workshops introduces how Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS) can support and enhance qualitative and mixed-methods research approaches.
The workshops explore methodological considerations in choosing software, and approaches to combine analytic strategies with software tactics.
Consideration is given to the following methodological approaches, positioned as 'analytic strategies', which are explored in terms of how they can be supported through 'software tactics' utilising the features and tools of particular packages:
Other methodologies are also explored – please contact the convenor if you have specific needs or requirements.
The following different packages and their features are explored in different workshops:
These support basic coding, memoing and basic retrieval available at low cost to students – including Quirkos and F4 Analyse and open up opportunities for participant involvement in the analysis process.
Sessions introduce and develop approaches to using the two powerful packages available with a site license for Lancaster Students: ATLAS.ti and NVivo on both Mac and PC.
These workshops are delivered in blended mode and are available for both on-campus and distance learning research students. Numbers are limited to 12 per workshop for on-campus students, unrestricted for distance learners.
The workshops are available to research students from all faculties.
Leximancer is introduced as a package to work with large qualitative datasets (including 1000s of articles or other data) for semi-automated thematic and sentiment analysis.
Please go to the registration page and follow the instructions on screen to sign up, access further information, view schedules for the academic year and sign up for the modules that meet your needs.
The aim of this workshop is to enable postgraduate research students to gain skills in practical research ethics when applying for ethics review for their research fieldwork.
This workshop is part of the Faculty of Health and Medicine Postgraduate Training Programme offering a range of lively, interactive workshops to provide opportunities for research skills training. The short interactive skills based session is delivered by FHM staff with experience as members of the FHM Research Ethics Committee. The session will complement the Researcher Development Framework (Vitae, 2010).
The workshop, based on a well-established existing postgraduate research ethics module, will enable students to develop their 'ethical mindset' when designing fieldwork including understanding concepts of research ethics governance, identifying key ethical issues relevant to their specific research area and considering effective ways to address ethics at each stage of the research. All participants will have instruction in where to locate and how to complete the full ethics application relevant to their research.
Participants attend two half day face-to-face interactive workshops set one week apart to allow the completion of an individual practical task.
This workshop is open to research students from all faculties with a particular relevance for those undertaking research in health or medical settings.
For information on dates and to book your place, please email
In previous years, the School of Mathematical Sciences (in the Faculty of Science and Technology) ran a short courses programme. In the year 20-21 this will not formally run following the increased teaching resources required to switch to a blended and remote learning environment. However, any PGR student wishing to audit any of the courses on either the MSc Statistics or MSc Data Science programmes may do so. You can register your interest in one or more modules by emailing