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his possession during his ministry the National Covenant of the Scotch Covenanters. It was given to him by his aunt, who received it from Baillie of Jarviswood, who was suspected of having it in his possession, and was executed. I suppose it was given to my grandfather’s aunt, because, being a lady, it would be assumed that she would not be suspected of having it.

“My father was left an orphan when ten years of age, and when he became of age, the trustees had parted with the ‘Covenant’; at all events, he could not trace it. However, he then inherited his parental property, ‘Glenlaggan,’ which is rather a picturesque place situated between New Galloway and Castle Douglas, in the county of Kirkcudbright. When his uncle, Dr. Adair, died, he left him £10,000. He then sold Glenlaggan to enable him to buy a larger estate in Wigtownshire. In this he made a mistake, for it was during the war in the time of the first Napoleon, when land was very dear; and when the peace came it became very cheap, and fearing complete ruin, he sold at an immense loss; but this latter part of my father’s history is not worth recording.

“The ‘National Covenant’ is now in the Glasgow museum. Perhaps these particulars may be interesting to the Coz, who, I hope, is progressing favourably towards recovery.

“With kind love,

“Your affectionate uncle,

“J. R. (John Ruskin) TWEDDALE.”

“The accompanying note1 contains the particulars of the relationship that exists between our family and the Professor. My father’s sister was his grandmother, and mother to the late Mr. Ruskin; so that my father was full uncle to the late Mr. Ruskin, and grand uncle to the Professor. The father of the Professor’s grandmother was minister of Glenluce, but that is a long time back, for if my father had been living, he would have been one hundred and seventeen years old.

“The Rev. J. Garlies Maitland’s son was the late Rev. Dr. James Maitland, minister of New Galloway, and husband of the heiress of Kenmure, by his second marriage with the eldest daughter of the Hon. Mrs. Bellamy Gordon, whose son now inherits that property. Dr. Maitland was, some years before his death, Moderator of the General Assembly, and was otherwise a man of mark.”

35. As for my own knowledge of the Evangelical character and doctrine, what I have related already of my

1 [Here, in previous editions, the words “(on next page)” were inserted, and the following Note was appended to a family tree given “on next page”:-

N.B.-The ‘note’ referred to in the text is now (1899) missing, and its place is therefore supplied by a reprint of the family tree given in W. G. Collingwood’s Life of Ruskin, vol. i. p. 8, with the addition of a few references to passages in Præterita.”

In the present edition, the family tree has been corrected and amplified, and some further information supplied. All this is now transferred, so as not to interrupt Ruskin’s text, to the end of the chapter: see below, pp. 602-604.]

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[Version 0.04: March 2008]