the two cannot be sent so as to arrive here before Tuesday next, I shall be upon the wing for London again, where I hope to be in about a fortnight from this time; therefore, you’ll judge how practicable you can make the sending the parcel in time, or waiting until I get to Queen Ann Street, N.W. Your number coming out on the 10th of December I think impossible; but to this I offer only an opinion (what difference would it make if the two numbers of the Coast, Daniel’s and yours, came out on the same day?). All I can say, I’ll not hinder you, if I can avoid it, one moment. Therefore employ Mr. Pye if you think proper, but, as you know, there should be some objection on my part as to co-operation with him without-------------; yet to forego the assistance of his abilities for any feeling of mine is by no means proper to the majority of subscribers to the work.
“Yours most truly,
“P.S.-I am not surprised at Mr. Ellis writing such a note about his signature. Be so good as put the enclosed into the Twopenny Post Box. The book which I now send be kind enough to keep for me until I return, and expect it to be useful in the descriptions of Cornwall.”
26 “ThursdayEg.Decr. 16, 1813.
“DEAR SIR,-From your letter of this morning I expected the pleasure of seeing you, but being disappointed, I feel the necessity of requesting you will, under the peculiar case in which the MSS. of St. Michael and Poole are placed, desire Mr. Coombe to deviate wholly from them; and if he has introduced anything which seems to approximate, to be so good as to remove the same, as any likeness in the descriptions (though highly complimentary to my endeavours) must compel me to claim them-by an immediate appeal as to their originality. Moreover, as I now shall not charge or will receive any remuneration whatever for them, they are consequently at my disposal, and ultimately subject only to my use-in vindication; never do I hope they will be called upon to appear, but if ever offer’d that they will be looked upon with liberality and candour, and not considered in any way detrimental to the interests of the Proprietors of the Southern Coast work.
“Have the goodness to return the corrected proof of St. Michael, which I sent from Yorkshire with the MS. of Poole; and desire Mr. Bulmer either to send me all the proof sheets, or in your seeing them destroyed you will much oblige.
“Yours most truly,
“J. M. W. TURNER.”
27. I find in my father’s diary of the journey of 18331 some notes on the state of Basle city and its environs at the time of our passing through them, which are extremely
1 [See above, p. 112.]
[Version 0.04: March 2008]