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 Ling 131: Language & Style

 Topic 6 (session A) - Style and Style variation > Language Variation: Dialect > Task C > our answer

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Style Variation in USA
Language Variation: Dialect
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Language Variation: Dialect

Task C - our answer to question 1

What dialect does Isabella write in and what dialect is Joseph represented as speaking?

Isabella appears to use a fairly formal Standard English. This will be appropriate to her social status as mistress of the household and an educated woman (many women would not have been able to write at this time). Joseph is an uneducated Yorkshire man, and so is given a dialect representation. The variation between the Standard English of the novel's narration (and also Isabella's letter here) and the dialect-indicating devices for Joseph help us to imagine him more vividly. The fact that he speaks in the way that he does helps us to picture him as rough, uneducated, dressed in working clothes, and so on.







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