(1) Way a wee screwed up protestant face an' a head of black
hair a was born, in a state of original sin. (2) Me ma didn't
like me, but who's te blame the poor woman, sure a didn't look
like a catholic wain at all.
(3) The state of original sin didn't last long. (4) That's wan
good thing about me ma, she maybe didn't like me but by god she
done hir duty by me an' didn't lave me lyin' there in the clutches
of the divil. (5) That very day a was took te the chapel at the
tap of the town be me godmother, that me ma didn't like either,
an' hir husband who could have been me uncle if me ma hada married
hes brother who was handsome an' beautiful an' iverythin' me da
wasn't. (6) But me ma, on a point of principle, jilted him, an'
he went te England way a broken heart an' married an oul' woman
an' made a lot of money.