Task B - our answer (iv)
Wagner snapped back with the only word he could
think of at the time, cryptorchid,
This, of course is another piece of verbal abuse on the part of Wagner,
to match that produced by Skater. And linguistically, just as Latin derivation
was matched with Latin derivation when the two men's threats to one another
were represented, now Greek-derived words are matched in describing the
verbal abuse they indulge in. A cryptorchid is a male for whom one, or
both testicles have not descended into the scrotum. Compare the popular
(and rather more direct scatological) World War II ditty, sung to a popular
march tune:
Hitler, he only had one ball,
Goering had two, but very small,
Himmler was very sim'lar
But poor old Goebbels had no balls at all.