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 Ling 131: Language & Style

 Topic 6 (session A) - Style and Style variation > Reregistration > Task B > our answer

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Session Overview
Style Variation in USA
Language Variation: Dialect
Language Variation: Register
Style Variation in a poem
Style: What is it?
Authorial and text style
Style Variation Checksheet
Topic 6 'tool' summary
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Task B - our answer (iii)

the Section Head's helminthoid resemblances.

Skater now verbally abuses Wagner, but his abuse is represented in arcane lexis, this time derived from Greek. A helminth is a worm, and so 'helminthoid' means worm-like. Again, Skater is most likely to have told Wagner rather directly that he looks like a worm, and the 3rd-person narrator's arcane lexis suggests Christie's pleasure (he is one-up not just because of the chaotic social relations he has secretly caused, but also in the way he appears to represent that chaos to himself linguistically.








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