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 Ling 131: Language & Style

Topic 5 (session A) - Sound > Meeting at night > Task C > Our answer

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Sounds and meanings
Alliteration and assonance
Alliteration and assonance revisited
Sound symbolism
Meeting at night
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Sound symbolism checksheet
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Meeting at night

Task C - our comments

the startled little waves that leap
In fiery ringlets from their sleep,

/ðə stɑ:tld lɪtl weɪvz ðət li:p
ɪn faɪrɪ rɪŋlɪts frɒm ðeə sli:p/

The word 'little' is sound symbolic as we pointed out in our explanation of Little and Large's choice of names. This induces a contrast between the static picture indicated in the first two lines and the more dynamic description of the sea around the boat. From that word onwards in these two lines, there is a heavy use of the /I/ vowel that connotes smallness, increasing the 'feel' of the small waves surrounding the boat. In 'waves' and 'fiery' we also have rising dipthongs which end in /I/ after starting in a lower place in the mouth). It has been argued that rising dipthongs can symbolise the idea of ascending*, in which case the leaping of the waves can also be said to be symbolised in the choice of vowels.

Epstein, Edmund L. (1978) Language and Style, Methuen chapter 3 looks at sound symbolism and also grammatical iconicity.





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