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 Ling 131: Language & Style
Topic 3 (session A) - Patterns, Deviations, Style and Meaning > Deviation: non-literary examples > Task B > Our answer
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Session Overview
Overview of foregrounding, deviation and parallelism
Deviation: non - literary examples
Deviation: literary examples
Parallelism: non-literary examples
Parallelism: literary examples
Useful Links

Deviation for Foregrounding Purposes - A Universal Phenomenon

Task B: Our answer

clairol ad Main advertising line:Whoever heard of brown-hot passionDeviation within Clairol advert

The question is semantically deviant in that we normally talk of red-hot (not "brown-hot") passion. This is because red is a colour associated with blood and heat, physical properties which commonly accompany passion, but brown is not. The girl's hair is also red, of course, giving another overlay of deviation in terms of an inconsistency between the colour of the hair in the photograph and the colour mentioned in the slogan.

Note also that the question is rhetorical - it clearly doesn't need an answer because everyone assumes that 'red-hot', not 'brown-hot' goes with passion.




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