Levels of language & pop group names
"Pop" references
Some linguistic articles include:
Simpson, Paul (1999) 'Language, culture and identity: With (another)
look at accents in pop and rock singing', Multilingua 18-4,
Trudgill, Peter (1980) 'Acts of conflicting identity: A sociolinguistic
look at British pop songs. In de Silva, M. W. (ed.), Festchrift for
R. B. Le Page. York Papers in Linguistics, 9.
Trudgill, Peter (1983) 'Acts of conflicting identity: The sociolinguistics
of British pop-song pronunciation. In Trudgill, P. (ed.), On Dialect.
Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 141-160.
Trudgill, Peter (1997) 'Acts of conflicting identity: The sociolinguistics
of British pop-song pronunciations. In Coupland, N. and A. Jaworski
(eds.), Sociolinguistics: A Coursebook and Reader. Basingstoke:
Macmillan, 251.270.