"Chuckle Stop!"

Lyn Peters has written a nice feminist poem based on 'Daffodils' suggesting why Wordsworth's sister Dorothy was not as famous as him. We give you a taster only (for copyright reasons) and a reference to the complete poem below:

'I was out one day wandering
Lonely as a cloud when -
Softboiled egg, yes my dear,
As usual, three minutes -
As a cloud when all of a sudden -
Look, I said I'd cook it,
Just hold on will you -
All right! I'm coming.

-- Why Dorothy Wordsworth was not as Famous as her Brother, Lynn Peters. 1991
     Virago Book of Wicked Verse, Edited by: Jill Dawson, 1992.

There is a full version of the poem on this site: http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~morgan/cheryl/poems.html#dorothy


This next one was taken from the The independent review (Thursday 16th May 2002)

Here are some lines by the poet Josh Bentley:

I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er hill and dale
When all at once I spied a crowd
Of dried bananas up for sale
Beside the soy, behind the yeast
Oh what a vegetarian feast!

John Bentley is a vegan. He is also a poet. But he is possibly the first man who has ever tried to combine the two activities by rewriting established poetry so as to remove all traces of meat and fish products. At the moment he is working on a Golden Treasury of Vegan Verse which will attempt to keep all the goodness and richness of great poetry while eliminating all the blood and meat fat which has so far, he thinks, disfigured it so much.


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