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 Ling 131: Language & Style

 Topic 13 - Shared knowledge and absurdist drama (Session B) > Assumptions in Applicant > Task D > answer skip topic navigation

Topic Contents
Absurdist drama
Zoo Story
Getting to know Applicant
Assumptions in Applicant
Turn-taking in Applicant
Topic 13 "tool" summary
Useful Links
Applicant Passage

Assumptions in Applicant

Task D – Our answer

At the very end of the sketch, after Lamb is apparently rendered unconscious by Miss Piffs’ appalling torture, we suddenly, and absurdly, revert to the initial interview schema. Miss Piffs’ last utterance thanks him politely and uses the formal ‘title + surname’ direct address term consistent with our polite interview schemata, and repeating the form she used for Lamb in turn 3 of the sketch. The final sentence’ We’ll let you know’ is the kind of sentence that interviews often end on, as the interviewer will want to reflect on the various candidates before making up his or her mind about who to appoint.





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