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 Ling 131: Language & Style

 Topic 13 - Shared knowledge and absurdist drama (Session B) > Assumptions in Applicant > Task C > answer skip topic navigation

Topic Contents
Absurdist drama
Zoo Story
Getting to know Applicant
Assumptions in Applicant
Turn-taking in Applicant
Topic 13 "tool" summary
Useful Links
Applicant Passage

Assumptions in Applicant

Task C – Our answer

We now seem to move into some sort of hectoring interrogation, where Mr. Lamb is often not given a proper chance to answer the questions posed by Miss Piffs. This distances us further from the interview schema, as we expect interviewees to be given extended turns so that they can demonstrate their suitability for the post they have applied for. Interrogations, like interviews, psychological tests etc., also involve two people with an asymmetrical power relationship. But now the power asymmetry becomes much more marked. The torture which occurs just before turn 23 is consistent with our schemata for extreme interrogations, as is the rapid questioning and dramatic changes in topic. The topics of the questions seem entirely inappropriate for interrogation sequences, however. This introduces another element of absurdity. It is not just that the situation seems to have changed dramatically. It is also the case that the new situation doesn’t seem to be quite right either.



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