Conversational implicature and The Dumb Waiter
Task C - Gricean analysis of turns 3-15
Try to characterise what is going on in Gricean
terms in turns 3-15. How do their different assumptions create the argument
between them?
3. BEN
Go and light it.
4. GUS
Light what?
5. BEN
The kettle.
6. GUS
You mean the gas.
7. BEN
Who does?
8. GUS
You do.
9. BEN
(his eyes narrowing) What do you mean,
I mean the gas?
10. GUS
Well, that's what you mean, don't you? The gas.
11. BEN
(powerfully) If I say go and light
the kettle I mean go and light the kettle.
12. GUS
How can you light a kettle?
13. BEN
It's a figure of speech! Light the kettle. It's a figure of speech!
14. GUS
I've never heard it.
15. BEN
Light the kettle! It's common usage!
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