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 Ling 131: Language & Style

 Topic 11 - Conversational structure and character (Session A) > Conversational structure and power > Task A skip topic navigation

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Analysing drama
Conversational structure and power
George Bernard Shaw's Major Barbara
Analysing Major Barbara
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Conversational structure and power

Task A - What is power?

In the rest of this topic we are going to explore how power relations between characters are indicated in the turn-taking and other features of conversational structure. But before we start doing that it will be helpful to be clear about the various different kinds of power we can talk about. For example, a king might be more powerful than one of his subjects in terms of his position in society, but less powerful physically and mentally.

Discuss with your partner the various different forms of power someone can have and how you might perceive them on the stage, and then compare your thoughts with ours.

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