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 Ling 131: Language & Style

 Topic 10 (session A) - Prose analysis > Bilgewater: Speech & thought presentation > Task D

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Session Overview
Bilgewater: General
Prose Analysis Methodology
Bilgewater: Lexis
Bilgewater: Foregrounding
Bilgewater: Context & cohesion
Bilgewater: Speech & thought presentation
Bilgewater: Grammar
Methodology checksheet
Topic 10 'tool' summary
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Bilgewater passage

Bilgewater: Speech & thought presentation

Task D - Speech presentation - sentences 51-2 and 54-6

Which character is presented as speaking below?
What modes of speech presentation are involved [Tip: sentence 51 belongs to one speech presentation category and the rest belong to another], and what effect do the choices of presentation category have?

(51) It has been delightful. (52) She hopes that we may meet again. [S53 has been removed, as it is the candidates direct thought (DT)- see the end of our comments on Task G below] (54) What a long way I have to come for an interview. (55) The far far north. (56) She hopes that I was comfortable last night.


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