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The works of ...

... e. e. CUMMINGS

Publication details of me up at does:


Other literary works include:

The autobiography - The Enormous Room (1922)
Tulips and Chimneys (1923)
XLI Poems (1925)
The play - Him (1927)
The prose work - Eimi (1933)
Collected Poems (1938)
Poems, 1923-1954 (1954)
73 Poems (1963)
Complete Poems, 1910-1962 (1980)



Cambridge, Massachusetts October 14, 1894

Early years:



He received his B.A. in 1915 and his M.A. in 1916, both from Harvard.


Known for typographic innovation, Cummings controlled both the look and the content of his poems. His first published poems, which appeared in 1917, already featured experimental verse forms and a lower-casing of the first person singular, "I". The lower case was intended to signify humility and was carried over into his own preferred rendition of his name as e e cummings. His first book, The Enormous Room (1922), an autobiographical prose work which immediately earned him an international reputation.

Final years:

He continued to write prolifically, as well as composing prose pieces, plays and a ballet. In 1958, he received the Bollingen Prize for poetry. At the time of his death in 1962, he was the second most widely read poet in the United States, after Robert Frost.


September 3, 1962

Cummings-related web-sites:

American Poems

An unofficial e.e. Cummings starting point

The Academy of American Poets

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