Topic four "tool" summary
In this topic we have worked on the grammar of simple sentences and clauses.
We have learned that there are five basic kinds of phrase in English,
four of which are have one of the four major word classes as their headword
(i.e. noun, verb, adjective and adverb phrases) and one of which (the
prepositional phrase) consists of a preposition and a noun phrase.
We have also learned that in simple sentences and clauses these five
kinds of phrases function as one of the five SPOCA clause elements:
But not always in a one-one manner (for example noun phrases can act
as S, P, C or A).
Finally, we have begun to see how SPOCA patterns in sentences and clauses
can contribute to textual meaning and effect.
To consolidate what you have learned, review the SPOCA checksheet and
read the relevant chapter in Leech, Hoogenraad and Duchar, English
Grammar for Today.