SPOCA self test answers
Q1. What is the Subject of the sentence 'The man with the green
skin comes from Mars'?
Answer: the man with the green skin
Q2. In 'The man with the green skin comes from Mars', what kind
of a phrase is 'from Mars'?
Answer: prepositional phrase
Q3. Which phrase is the Complement in the sentence 'In spite of
his green skin the man from Mars seems rather fiery'?
Answer: rather fiery
Q4. What is the SPOCA structure of 'On Tuesday the professor with
the bow-tie was sillier than usual'?
Answer: ASPC
Q5. What is the SPOCA structure of 'Mary plonked a wet kiss on
the end of Mick's nose'?
Answer: SPOA
Q6. What is the SPOCA structure of 'On Monday the students elected
Language and Style the craziest course of the year'?
Answer: ASPOC
Q7. What is the SPOCA structure of 'The tutors stupidly gave the
students the answers to the quiz'?
Answer: SAPOO
Q8. What is the SPOCA structure of 'On the last Monday of term
the students with chips on their shoulders had given a rather wooden response
to the annoncement of a course bonfire' ?
Answer: ASPOA
Q9. What is the SPOCA structure of 'At the end of the SPOCA self-test
most students with good marks retired to the bar for a celebratory drink'?
Answer: ASPAA
Q10. What is the SPOCA structure of 'Obviously, in celebration
the students with the highest marks in the SPOCA self-test will want their
tutors' approval in the form of free drinks for the night'?
Answer: AASPO