Style, meaning and the structure of sentences
Accessible / text version of Task E
Below we give you some simple sentences with the constituents of those
sentences distinguished:
(i) Work out what kind of phrase each constituent
is (NP, VP, AdjP, AdvP, PP)
(ii) Show the SPOCA structures of the sentences
they occur in.
John ¦ loves ¦ Mary
Mary ¦ loves ¦ John
John ¦ was ¦ very annoyed
The hungry student ¦ hates ¦ overcooked cabbage
The telephone ¦ rang
The cheerful woman ¦ was kissing ¦ her radiant husband
¦ with great abandon
Mary ¦ lifted ¦ the receiver ¦ angrily ¦
within two seconds
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