Round-up and self-assessment - Poetry
This "topic" is to help you be able to write a good stylistic
analysis of a poem, and so assumes that you have completed at least topics
1-5 of this web-based course (though you should note that topic 6 also
includes some work on poetry).
Analysing a whole poem is an exercise which takes you, step by step,
through a poem by Roger McGough. You could then use this work to "write
up" a stylistic analysis of the poem on your own, if you wished.
Stylistic analysis - an example text is an example of stylistic
analysis by an ex-student of the course who is now a postgraduate
researcher in stylistics.
General instructions gives you some general advice on how to go about
doing a stylistic analysis from scratch
Self-assessment enables you to practise the analysis of a poem by
George Herbert and compare your analysis with that of students who
did the course in the academic year 2000-2001. Looking at your analysis,
a section at a time, you can estimate what mark you would have got
for your work and then compare it with excerpts from real essays which
actually got that mark, as well as essays which got higher or lower
marks. So, besides giving you practice before you do your coursework
assessment, the self-assessment facility should also help you to become
more accurately self-critical, and so be a better judge of your own

notes for round-up and self assessment