These appear to refer to at least two men, though it is sometimes difficult to disentangle them. In the first excerpt, in an episode dated 1654, he is called ‘old Myels Bateman of Underbarrow’, and in the second, some time after 1658, he is said to be ‘but young in years ’. Yet another Miles Bateman, waller, of Crook, appears in the third excerpt, speaking of his namesake.
1. From Miles Halhead A Book of some of the sufferings and passages of
Myles Halhead of Mount-Joy in Underbarrow ... (1690)
2. The Underbarrow Burial Ground affair from Account, Memoranda, and Minute Book of
Westmorland Quarterly Meeting ...
3. Miles Bateman of Crook, confession, from Condemnations and Minute Book of
Kendal Monthly and Quarterly Meetings (1675).
Miles Halhead A book of some of the sufferings and passages of Myles Halhead of Mount-Joy in Underbarrow .. (1690)
Again, the Word of the Lord came unto me, as I was walking in my Feilds, in the year 1654, in the first Month, saying, Set thy House in order, and go thy way into Ierland, and declare my Word that I shall give thee, to speak, in the Cities, Towns and Villages in that Nation ... Then I went towards Ierland and meeting with my dear Brother, and old Companion, a faithful Man, and my fellow Labourer in the Truth, James Lancaster, the Lord made him very free to go with me; and while we were speaking of it, old Myels Bateman of Underbarrow, heard, and the Lord made him also very free to go with us; so we took our Journey, and went for Ireland, as the Lord commanded, and declared the Word of the Lord, as we were moved, in Cities, Towns and Villages in that Nation, and the Lords Presence was with us of a truth; and we went to the Heads and Rulers of that Nation, and declared the Word of the Lord to them freely, as we had received it, and many received our Testimony: So when we were free of that Nation, we came for England again, and had great Peace with the Lord.
A book of some of the sufferings and passages of Myles Halhead of Mount-Joy in Underbarrow
in the county of Westmorland as also,
concerning his labour and travel in the work of the Lord ... (London:
A. Sowle, 1690) 12.
The Underbarrow Burial Ground affair from Account, Memoranda, and Minute Book of Westmorland Quarterly Meeting and Kendal Men's Monthly Meeting fols 7r–8r
[folio 7r] Concerning the purchaseing & walleing about of the Graue Yard or burying place of the ffelside in Kendal the ground purchased of Roger Baccus & walled about by Robert Barrow & his men in the year 1656
[A lengthy list of contributions ranging from 13s to 1s. Miles Bateman pays 1s.]
. . . . . . . . . .
[folio 7v] In a bout two years time after Kendall Burrying place was ffinished ffreinds of vnderbarrow begun to erect & build one atte the cragg by miles Bateman consent & order he then being esteemed a good ffreind & did Rdaly[?] walke in the feare of god in humillitye & heauenly obeydience haueing a sweete & large testimony to beare for his name.
Yett afterwards he being but young in years went vp to London & letting his minde Run after noueltyes the soules enimy prevayled ouer him more & more till att Length he quite Revoulted from truth made shipwrack of faith & good conscience be came Insolent & Arrogant in minde ^ & when he came home pulled downe one side of the burrying wall againe & layed ^ it to his field to be plowed as formerly; all after his neighbouring ffreinds of vnderbarrow meeting had beene att considerable cost in walleing & Trenching And more ouer had burried about eight persons in itt yett this backslider was growne soe desperately wicked that he would not sell itt att any rate nor lett ffreinds enioy itt of any terme but his minde & action was to make all voyde againe by which he did magnifie himselfe in wickednesse & became highly esteemed amonge vnbeleuers
[folio 8r] And after wards ffreinds of vnderbarow meeting Intreated and alsoe prevayled with the said Roger Baccus to sell them a parcell another parcell of his ground which he did which is the 3.d and highest parte of the Burrying place which place was purchassed & Inlarged after the first composition by kendall ffreinds ...
More ouer ffor Trenching thee other too partes in the said burying place which was done begun in the 11th. Month 1680 & finished in the first month following ...
This seems to suggest that the Bateman affair took place in the late 1670s or possibly 1680.
Kendal: Cumbria Record Office, MS WDFC/F/1/93: Account, Memoranda,
and Minute Book of Westmorland Quarterly Meeting
and Kendal Men's Monthly Meeting fols 7r–8r
Miles Bateman of Crook, confession, from Condemnations and Minute Book of Kendal Monthly and Quarterly Meetings (1675).
Where as I miles Bateman of Crooke waller haue here to fore subscribed a paper in which I thought noe ill all that time but rather hoped for good being I vnderstood that miles Bateman of Tullathwaites name was att it & seuerall others whom I loued & be lieued well off I was easyly drawne to put my name to it. But that being anothers mans meeting is sett vp by it which tends to diuision I am sory that my name should be there & soe desires that where euer my name is seene in any of those coppies of that subscriptions it may be blotted out
written the
daye of |
MB |
Kendal: Cumbria Record Office MS WDFC/F1/12: Condemnations and Minute Book of Kendal Monthly and Quarterly Meetings fol. 7r