Myles Halhead |
"To the Right Honourable the House of Peers in Parliament assembled.
The Information and Certificate of the Committee for Sequestrations, within the Barony of Kendall, and County of Westmerland.
May it please the Right Honourable House to be certified,
"That, upon Tuesday, being the Tenth Day of August last, Anthony Knipe, Miles Halhead, Alan Wilson, Christopher Gilpin, George Mackereth, Thomas Lickbarrowe, Stephen Jopson, Mr. Henry Feild,
and John Briggs, with many others, to the Number of Four Hundred or thereabouts, all Inhabitants within the Barony of Kendall aforesaid, did, in a rebellious and riotous Manner, assemble
themselves together within the said Barony, armed with Muskets, Swords, Pikes, Hand Guns, and other Instruments of War, to the great Terror and Affrightment of all
peaceable and well-affected
Persons thereabouts; and, being so assembled and armed, did, in a most violent and furious Manner, march together to the Town of Kendall, within the said County of Westmerland, being the
Place where the said Committee of Parliament did usually sit; and, upon the Day following, being Wednesday, the said Committee, or the most of them, being met and sitting together, at
the House of one Peter Huggon, in Kendall aforesaid, and consulting how to discharge the Trust reposed in them by the Right Honourable Houses of Parliament, and to do what good
Office they could for the Country, the aforesaid Persons, with a great Number more, all armed, and many of them with their Swords drawn, Matches lighted, and other Instruments of War
in their Hands, did violently enter into the Chamber where the said Committee were so sitting, and discharging their Duties; and apprehended Mr Alan Gilpin Mayor
of Kendall aforesaid,
with the rest of the Committee there present, and, in most shameful and disgraceful Manner, hawled and pulled them down, and by Force carried them to the House of one Peter Sheppard
in the said Town, a known Malignant, where they imprisoned the said Committee, and set Guards upon them, till Thursday Afternoon then next following; during which Time and after
(they continuing in Arms until the Sunday Morning next following) they uttered many Menaces and Threats against the said Committee, declaring themselves both by their Words and
Actions to be opposite to any Parliamentary Power; as, by calling upon all to their Assistance that (as they termed it) stood for God and the King ... And, to testify
their further Malignity, they seized upon the Magazine and Arms provided for the Parliament's Service and Defence of the said Barony, and disposed thereof at their Pleasures; and
caused the Drums which they forced from the Officers within the said Town, to beat up and down the Town; apprehended and imprisoned Mr. Henry Massey, Minister of the said Town, a
Man ever well-affected to the Parliament ... And it being demanded of them, by the said Committee, "By what Authority they did do such Things?" They answered, "Their Swords were
their Commissions." ...
House of Lords Journal Volume 10: 11 February 1648.