By Letters from Dublin in Ireland was certified; that Lieu: Gen. Fleetwood and the Commissioners are at Dublin; That the Lord Musgrave is to be tried the beginning of the next month; That all is very quiet in Ireland, save some small parties of Tory, which are chiefly about the County of Carlow, where they lately fell upon and wounded some of the Surveyors; and do sometime where they dare venture, and flee away again with their prey presently.
Mr. Lesleboue Long, to whom is added Mr. Sadler are the Masters of Requests for Petitions that are to his Highness.
Wednesday January 18.
The Portugal Ambassador's Brother was by an Order of the Council removed back from the Tower to Newgate, the Sessions now sitting in the Old Bailey; but upon several grounds, and the Petition of the Portugal Merchants, his Trial was put off until the next Sessions.
The Officers and Soldiers from the several Garrisons and Regiments have been very unanimous in signing the Establishment and Engagement to the Lord Protector, as certified by their several addresses to his Highness, whereof take one, as followeth.
To his Highness the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Our Lord General.
The humble Address of the Officers and Soldiers of the Army.
Having for many years past been led under your Conduct, through many difficult Services, wherein through the blessing of God upon the vigilance and endeavours of your Highness, we have in some measure been Instrumental in our places to free the Commonwealth from its enemies: So we now cannot but above all worldly things, most earnestly desire to see these Nations after all the shakings which have been in the midst of us, set up upon its true and proper Basis and Foundation, and thereby brought into a harbour of rest and safety. The sense whereof having led us to the consideration of what further might be our duties towards Your Highness, and the whole Nation at this time when it pleased God to give us hopes of establishment by inclining you to accept of the Government and Protection of this Commonwealth; whereby we are persuaded that the liberties of the people, both as men and Christians (the true end whereupon the great controversy hath been stated) will through the mercy of God be assured: We judge it highly incumbent upon us to make our humble address unto you, and to declare, That we shall not only be obedient unto you in the performance of Your great Trust, in the performance of Your great Trust, but in our places most faithfully and diligently. To the hazard of our Lives, and whatsoever is near and dear unto us, be serviceable unto you in the station God hath placed you against all opposition: Not doubting but as God and Man hath so highly entrusted you, so You will to the utmost of your power and endeavours, lay forth Yourself for the Glory of God, and the Good of this People amongst whom we have reason to think there are very many of the Household of Faith; over whom, we shall therefore further take this boldness most humbly to entreat Your Highness more especially to spread the wing of Your Protection, and to account of them as the apple of Your eye; which You continuing to do, We are confident their Father which is in Heaven will be unto you a Buckler and a Shield, and an exceeding great reward, which is, and shall be the prayer of
Your Highness most humble, and faithful Servants.
Dalkeith Jan. 14. Kenmore and Glencary with their forces marched by the way of Strathspey, and Glencarn Lane, McAldney, and some of McGrigger's men, with the rest of the gang (Athol being left behind) marched by the head of Badgnoth, and joined their forces within three miles of Ruthven Garrison. Upon their approach Glencarn sent a Letter to the Governor of the Castle, inviting him to come in to his Majesty's forces, and telling him, That all Scotland was up in Arms, and many had marched through England top join with them: To which, he received a very resolute and ingenious answer from the Governor Cap: Hill; and it was not probable his Lordship had so great an Army, when he could provide no better quarters for them. After they had been a while in Lorne, there fell a discontent between Glencarn and Lorne, about the men of the Country, Lorn saying, They being his men, he ought to have the ordering and disposal of them, as the Earl of Athol had of his; but Glencarn told him, that he took up the Rents of the Country, the men were the Marques of Huntley's. After many high words, Glencarn offered to draw his Sword, and Lorne went away in a great rage, swearing, That rather than he would see his own people abused by Glencarn, he would lose his life, and thereupon drew to the other side of the water with some of MacGrigger's then, and about sixty horse with him: This difference hath put the Country to a stand, who otherwise would have joined with Lorne; so that some of them are fled to Innerness, and other parts, to secure themselves. Parties of Horse, and Posts are directed every way, for the apprehending of Lorne, The Enemy take up all the Horse they can find in the Country.
Thursday January 19
Paris January 24, stilo novo. The last news from Nantes advise us, that the States of that Province were still at variance with the Parliament, whom they accuse to attempt against the Royal authority and the good of the Country, and moreover complain of other abuses, thereupon ordered that their grievances should be drawn out in writing, and Commissioners appointed to carry them to the Court; The Parliament have likewise raised a sum of monies, and have appointed Commissioners to go to the Court, and make their humble Remonstrance to the King upon that Subject: This week the Parliament having order to come to the Louvre, went there by a select number of them; the business was concerning Rents and moneys due upon the Town Hall, but after a long debate they went home again, having got more of discontent than money: The City of Piriguex having of late submitted to the King, and thereupon sent their Commissioners to the Court, they had the first audience, where there was a great many Protestations made on their parts, and so were paid again in the same Coin: The Prince Thomaso of Savoy hath obtained the eminent place which the Prince of Conde had at Court, although it had already been promised to another by the Cardinal: The great Mask, or Ball is not yet completed, and therefore expectations is still to see it, being a thing will spend many Crowns in gold and silver; it is said here that the Cardinal will carry the King to Chanille (a house formerly belonging to the Duke of , but by the late King given to the Prince of Condi) to take possession thereof, as falling to him by way of confiscation, but others will not have it so, but tell us of divers matches between the great ones, whereby they affirm that things will look of another hue, but seeing the Duke of Orleans cannot as yet be drawn into come to the Court, there are very small hopes of any conclusion of those matches, the preparations go on for the consecrating of the King at Rheims the next month.
From Italy and parts adjacent. The letters from Naples advise us, that the Cardinal of Savelli having remained there some time, and being visited by our new Vice King is gone to Salerna. The Vice King is to go in state within a few dayes to the high Church, it being a custom at the coming of new Vice kings, to ride thither in a stately manner: The new Vice King hath taken a great distaste at the Prince of St. Severo at his return from Apuglia, the occasion of it being for entering the City with above one thousand to attend on him, and thereupon hath commanded him to remain as prisoner into his own house.
From Rome: The Cardinal Trivultio (who doth now act for Spain in the absence of their Ambassadors) had audience of the Pope this week, which did continue near two hours.
From Genoa there is no other, than that the late Vice King of Naples was gone from thence with 4 Galleys, but having met with foul weather they were forced to return thither again.
From Venice: The Senate hath again issued orders for the hastening of the Fleet, which is thought will be ready in a short time to go to Sea, and likewise care is taken that the land forces may be in a readiness, both of them being to the greater than it hath been hitherto since the War between the Turks and us: The Commander Barbarigo hath concluded the contract of twenty men of war in France, and besides some Dutch Merchants have engaged to furnish ten besides four English ships: so that all things are in a good forwardness against the next Spring: We hear from our Army in Dalmatia that the Morlacks were gathered in a body of about fifteen hundred men, with an intent to break in the Country of Albania, but that great abundance of Snow being fallen: they were forced to remain in their old quarters.
Nothing yet from Holland but what is expressed by private Letters, that the States would within 6 days an answer for an absolute agreement with England, as also sayeth their Deputy Monsieur Barrel in France, that the States have agreed to the English Propositions for peace.
From Dartmouth Jan. 12, The Hector hath brought in a ship hither, which hath in her 3000 Cheeses, the ship is of Amsterdam, and took in her Lading at the Else. There is a private man of War hath brought in a ship of Rotterdam laden with Herrings, and Holland Cheeses, and about 10 Ton of Pepper, and some Cloves.
Friday January 20.
This day further from Scotland came as followeth. These parts afford no news, the Enemy is preparing to make ready for the season of the year, and do the utmost this Winter to promote their design, and do send into our quarters their Warrants for their levies, but dare not come themselves to see performance, only in the night do sometimes come and steal horses, and at sometimes carry away some men, you may by the enclosed see their Warrants, and what the Governor of this place Col. Cooper is constrained to do to counterwork them, or else the people would be too willing to answer their expectations, no more but that I am Sir,
Glasgow Jan. 12 1653.
William Earl of Glencairn, Lord Kilmarrs, Commander in chief of his Majesty's Forces within the Kingdom of SCOTLAND.
By virtue of a Commission directed to us by His Majesty for levying of Forces, Horse and Foot, for suppressing the Common Enemy within this Kingdom, we do hereby require you, and every of you, within the Shires of Ayr and Renstrew, upon sight hereof, to send forth for His Majesty's service (forth of every Thousand pounds rent within your said Shires respectively, one sufficient well-mounted man, with Pistols, and other Furniture, and weapons belonging thereto, and to deliver the same at Rosdew, to Lieut. Col. George Maxwell, Lieut. Col. George Herriot, and Captain James Cunningham, or any having their Orders for that effect; certifying all persons of whatsoever quality, within the said Shires respectively, that doth either refuse or delay to give obedience to this Order, and Commands, they shall be taken notice of, and proceeded against as disloyal Subjects, and professed Enemies to the present Expedition; whereas by the contrary we do hereby oblige ourselves to protect and defend against all Enemies whatsoever, all such as shall willingly put forth their several proportions of the foresaid Horse levy. And whatsoever Horse, or any other Goods shall be taken from anyone of them, so protected, in any disorderly manner, shall not only be restored again, but the person or persons offenders, shall according to the quality of the offence, at the sight of the party offended, be severely punished, to the terror of others; And ordains this to be published at every Headborough, or Parish Church, within the said Shires respectively, That every Heritor, and others therein contained, pretend no ignorance of the premises. Given at Garth, the 23 of December, 1653. Sicsubscributer, GLENCAIRN.
For the whole Noblemen, Gent: Heritors, and others, Inhabitants within the Sheriffdoms of Ayre and Ransrew,
We expect your answer at Rosdew the 6 of January, 1654.
This from Col. Cooper upon the aforesaid Paper to the Noblemen, Gentlemen, &c. of Ayr and Randsrew, as followeth.
Having seen a Paper, subscribed Glencairn, directed to the Noblemen, Gentlemen, Heritors, and all others within the Shires of Ayr and Renfrew, Commanding them to set forth horses furnished for war, with sufficient Riders thereon, and to bring in the same to Rosdew, and to deliver them to such persons as shall be there to receive them. And lest big words should fright some, and subtle persuasions delude others into obedience of the same Papers, to the ruin not only of the persons so yielding, but to the apparent hazard of the peace and welfare of the said Shires, and the inevitable mischiefs that will ensue; These are therefore to require all Noblemen, Gentlemen, Heritors, and others in the said Shires of Ayr and Renfrew, to refuse obedience to all such Commands, and not in the least by aiding and assisting to the said Levies, directly or indirectly, nor to hold any correspondence with the said Glencarn, or his associates, now in Rebellion against the Commonwealth of England, as they would not be held and deemed public Enemies, and proceeded against as such with the utmost of extremity. And lest any should pretend ignorance in the same, the Sheriffs of the respective Shires are required to take special notice, that copies hereof may be sent to every Church within the said Shires to be published. Given under my hand at Glasgow, this 5th of January 1653.
We hear by a Ship come from Hamburg, and also many ships this week come from Dunkirk, of ten of our Merchant men come safely to Gothenburg laden with all Eastern commodities, and five of our Frigates convoy to them, who have also homewards bound made several prises upon the Coast of Norway, which will be in England very shortly.
All persons are desired to take notice that the Committee for claims for lands in Ireland have appointed Thursday the ninth of February 1653, for Adventurers to draw lots at Grocers-hall London for Baronies, and that all persons who intend then to draw lots, do before that day pay their pence.
William Tibbs
From Milford Haven the 16th of January. Some Vessels come lately from Ireland bring news, that all things there are much at one: only that the Tories in straggling parties do much mischief, endeavouring to gather up a body of an Army, and of late some encounter was between a party of ours and them, but they were forced back again into the bogs, their great Sanctuary, with some loss. The Plague is not yet ceased, but remaineth in many parts, but not so violent as formerly.
From the Isle of Wight thus. General Penn is still riding with the Fleet without St. Helens point; some of our Frigates are passed by to the Eastward, as convoy to 12 sails of Merchant ships, for the Downs the winds favouring them, these eight Frigates sent to cross the Channel are come in again, and have brought with them two Dutch prizes; there is another party sent out in their Head.
By Letters of a later date from Scotland they write, That the Highlanders increase in their Levies, and confirm, That the young Marques of Montrose and Huntley are joined with them. Also a Letter from Aberdeen sayeth, That 17 Dutch ships are arrived in Scotland with 1500Foreigners, and Arms, and 200 Horse.
There is nothing as yet further from Holland to signify their agreement to the Treaty of Peace, what ever reports be. General Blake is again gone down to the Fleet, whom we understand will be in readiness to put to Sea (according to Orders) very shortly.
Letters further from France speak of an Embargo to be put upon all our English ships in their ports for the present.
There is newly published an express Mr. Baxter's Aphouldnes of Justification, with a of Justification by near grace from all the Popish and Armenian Sophisanes, by which the Author labours to ground it on Man's works and righteousness: wherein you have his Aphorisms repeated and confused: By John Crander Minister of the Gospel, sold by T. Brewster at the Bibles churchyard, and L. Chipaus at the Crown in Popes-head Alley.
A piece entitled, Observations on the present manners of the English, briefly anaromizing by the dead, with an useful detection of the both Richard Whitlock Dr. in Physic, late of All-Saints College in Oxford. Also the Tragedy of Alphons as Emperor of Germany; written by George , both printed for Humphrey Moseley at the Princes Arms in St. Paul's-Churchyard.
A brown bay filly, with a bald face, and two white feet behind, her far eye is a whale eye, a little dale backed, about fourteen handful high, she will be two years old the next grasle, she was stolen upon Friday the 6th day of January in the Evening. If any one can bring tidings of her to Mr. John Smith at Kegworth in the County of Leicester, or to Thomas Alney at the sign of the Sun in Newgate-Market in London, he shall be well rewarded for his pains.
This is licensed and Entered according to Order.