The Health and Social Consequences of the 2001 Foot and Mouth Epidemic in North Cumbria
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Lancaster Study Timeline

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key dates of the study
key events of the foot and mouth epidemic
blue Tracks the duration of diary keeping


Early February 2001, the first case of foot and mouth disease is found in Northhumberland


19 Feb 2001
the first case was found, (and later confirmed), in ESSEX but then traced to Northumberland


1 Sep 2001
Last case Cumbria


11 Oct 2001
Royal Society calls for evidence for its Inquiry into Infectious Diseases in livestock


30 Nov 2001
Lancaster Project Steering Group inaugural meeting


1 Dec 2001
Framework document for Anderson Inquiry published. Inquiry aimed to report to PM and Sec State DEFRA in mid-2002


1 Dec 2001 to 28 Feb 2002
Respondents begin weekly diaries following panel group meetings


12 Dec 2001 to 13 Dec 2001
EU International Conference on FMD Brussels


17 Dec 2001
1st Panel group meeting: Farmers & farm workers


1 Jan 2002 to 31 Dec 2003
Restrictions and cleaning/repairs/restocking going on into 2002 (some did not re-stock until 2003)


1 Jan 2002
Programme of interviews with respondents begins


22 Jan 2002
UK declared free of FMD


23 Jan 2002
Panel group meeting: Small business group


25 Jan 2002
Post-FMD conference Rheged Penrith (DEFRA NWDA)


29 Jan 2002
Interviews Cumbria County Council


31 Jan 2002
Panel group meeting: Agricultural related group


5 Feb 2002
EU lifts meat and animal export restrictions


13 Feb 2002
Panel group meeting: Frontline workers group


21 Feb 2002
Panel group meeting: Community group


26 Feb 2002
Steering group meeting


28 Feb 2002
Panel group meeting: Health and veterinary group


28 Feb 2002
Respondents finish weekly diaries.


1 Mar 2002
Interviews with respondents completed


12 Mar 2002
Evening "public" meeting of Anderson "Lessons Learned" Inquiry Carlisle


20 Mar 2002
Project Action Group meeting Penrith


8 Apr 2002
Interview Radio Cumbria broadcaster: FMD


18 Apr 2002
EU temp committee on FMD Inquiry meeting at Gretna (respondent writes report for the DIARIST)


21 Apr 2002
Team presentation to EU temp committee in Kendal


22 Apr 2002
Meeting with CSIN (FMD helpline)


22 Apr 2002
Meeting with Cumbria Community Legal Services


22 Apr 2002
Interview Cumbria Drug and Alcohol Service


24 Apr 2002
Interview Business Link Cumbria


7 May 2002 to 31 May 2002
Team attend Kendal public hearings of Cumbria FMD Inquiry. Presentation to Inquiry. Team attend informal public meetings of Inquiry at Workington, Ulverston, Appleby and Longtown.


9 May 2002
Steering group meeting, Penrith


9 May 2002
Steering Group meeting


23 May 2002
Team attend seminar on FMD carcass disposal in North East


21 Jun 2002
Interview women"s refuge worker, (domestic violence)


28 Jun 2002
Team presentation at conference Rising From The Ashes (Institute for Rural Health), Wetheral, Cumbria


15 Jul 2002
Interview: manager of slaughter team, March - Aug 01


2 Sep 2002
Team presentation to EU temp committee on FMD Strasbourg


5 Sep 2002
Agricultural shows in South of county have livestock with strict bio-security. Other Cumbrian shows through summer had no livestock


6 Sep 2002
Cumbria County Council Foot & Mouth Disease Inquiry Conference, Rheged Penrith


12 Sep 2002
Agricultural shows in South of county have livestock with strict bio-security. Other Cumbrian shows through summer had no livestock


10 Oct 2002
Presentation to rural health conference, Masham Yorks


14 Nov 2002
Steering Group meeting Penrith


11 Feb 2003
Steering Group meeting


1 Apr 2003 to 30 May 2003
Weekly diary keeping ends


15 May 2003
Panel group Penrith (presentations to respondents to elicit their feedback on research methods/interim findings)


21 May 2003
Panel group Penrith (see above)


4 Jun 2003
Panel Group Penrith (see above)


11 Jun 2003
Steering Group meeting


11 Jun 2003
Panel Group Penrith (see above)


3 Jul 2003
Panel Group Penrith (see above)


14 Oct 2003
Project feedback conference: Voices of Experience, Carlisle Racecourse


15 Oct 2003
Kai Erikson seminar on disasters, Lancaster University


14 Nov 2003
Steering Group meeting


18 Nov 2003
Team presentation at N Cumbria Health Research Conference, Newton Rigg, Cumbria


20 Nov 2003
Interview, Cumbria Constabulary


25 Nov 2003
Team members attend archive workshop: Economic & Social Data Service, London


17 Dec 2003
Evidence to Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee Carlisle City Council


22 Jan 2004
Steering Group meeting


6 Apr 2004
Interview army: FMD NW Chief of Staff


23 Apr 2004
Steering Group meeting


30 Apr 2004
Draft research report submitted to Dept of Health


30 Jul 2004
Peer reviews of report (5) received


22 Oct 2004
Final (revised) report submitted to Dept of Health

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