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A website accompanying
Routledge Applied Linguistics Series
Editors: Christopher N. Candlin and Ronald
Corpus-based Language
Studies: An Advanced Resource Book
Tony McEnery, Lancaster University, UK
Richard Xiao, Lancaster University, UK
Yukio Tono, Meikai University, Japan
Publisher: Routledge, London
Publication Date: 16 Dec 2005 ISBN:
0415286220 (Hardbound); 0415286239 (Paperback)
Price: GBP65/USD105 (Hardbound);
GBP20.99/USD33.95 (Paperback)
to place an order or request an inspection copy. |

'This book is by far the most comprehensive introduction to corpus
linguistics published to date. It is essentially three books in one: 1) a
conceptual overview of analytical issues, techniques, and findings; 2) a
collection of key articles published to date; 3) and a set of case studies
that fully illustrate the most important analytical and design issues. I
will certainly be using the book as a required text in my own courses.'
- Douglas Biber, Regents' Professor of Applied Linguistics, Northern
Arizona University
Here are some reviews of the book.
Review by Robin Straaijer, Language and
Literature 18(4): 394-396.
Review by Bernard de Clerck, ICAME
Journal (32): 272-278.
Review by May L-Y Wong, International Journal of Corpus
Linguistics 11(4): 506-509.
Review by Gerlinde Mautner, Language in Society 37(3): 455-458.
Review by Tom Cobb, The Canadian Modern
Language Review 64(3): 423–539. |