Thomas McGoran’s Drawings

In 1992, former cinema projectionist Thomas McGoran read an article by Annette Kuhn about 1930s popular cinema and wrote to her offering information. He was among the earliest Cinema Culture in 1930s Britain (CCINTB) interviewees and one of the project’s seventeen Glasgow-based core informants. He was interviewed at his home on 30 November 1994 and 22 February 1995, and then again in 2020 in a short film created by Marissa Keating (the film includes Mr McGoran drawing some of the cinemas presented below).

The drawings of Glasgow cinemas in this collection were all created by Mr McGoran during late 2021 and early 2022, at the request of CMDA. Included with the drawings are memories of and information about each of the cinemas portrayed, presented here in Mr McGoran’s own handwriting [Note: flipbook best viewed full-screen].