Voice is not relevant morphologically. However, there is an additional
impersonal form. This is probably best dealt with as an additional
language-specific value of PERSON.
Vim |
main verb, infinitive (verb noun) |
canu |
Vfmia1s |
finite main verb, indicative, present, 1st per. sg. |
canaf |
Vfmia2s |
finite main verb, indicative, present, 2nd per. sg. |
ceni |
Vfmia3s |
finite main verb, indicative, present, 3rd per. sg. |
can |
Vfmia1p |
finite main verb, indicative, present, 1st per. pl. |
canwn |
Vfmia2p |
finite main verb, indicative, present, 2nd per. pl. |
cenwch |
Vfmia3p |
finite main verb, indicative, present, 3rd per. pl. |
canant |
Vfmib1s |
finite main verb, indicative, imperfect, 1st sg. |
canwn |
Vfmib2s |
finite main verb, indicative, imperfect, 2nd sg. |
canit |
Vfmib3s |
finite main verb, indicative, imperfect, 3rd sg. |
canai |
Vfmib1p |
finite main verb, indicative, imperfect, 1st pl. |
canem |
Vfmib2p |
finite main verb, indicative, imperfect, 2nd pl. |
canech |
Vfmib3p |
finite main verb, indicative, imperfect, 3rd pl. |
canent |
Vfmic1s |
finite main verb, indicative, preterite, 1st sg. |
cenais |
Vfmic2s |
finite main verb, indicative, preterite, 2nd sg. |
cenaist |
Vfmic3s |
finite main verb, indicative, preterite, 3rd sg. |
canodd |
Vfmic1p |
finite main verb, indicative, preterite, 1st pl. |
canasom |
Vfmic2p |
finite main verb, indicative, preterite, 2nd pl. |
canasoch |
Vfmic3p |
finite main verb, indicative, preterite, 3rd pl. |
canasant |
Vfmid1s |
finite main verb, indicative, ppf., 1st sg. |
canaswn |
Vfmid2s |
finite main verb, indicative, ppf., 2nd sg. |
canasit |
Vfmid3s |
finite main verb, indicative, ppf., 3rd sg. |
canasai |
Vfmid1p |
finite main verb, indicative, ppf., 1st pl. |
canasem |
Vfmid2p |
finite main verb, indicative, ppf., 2nd pl. |
canasech |
Vfmid3p |
finite main verb, indicative, ppf., 3rd pl. |
canasent |
Vfmiai |
finite main verb, ind., impersonal, present |
cenir |
Vfmibi |
finite main verb, ind., impersonal, imperfect |
cenid |
Vfmici |
finite main verb, ind., impersonal, preterite |
canwyd |
Vfmidi |
finite main verb, ind., impersonal, ppf. |
canasid |
Vfmc2s |
finite main verb, imperative, 2nd sing. |
cana |
Vfmc3s |
finite main verb, imperative, 3rd sing. |
caned |
Vfmc1p |
finite main verb, imperative, 1st plural |
canwn |
Vfmc2p |
finite main verb, imperative, 2nd plural |
canwch |
Vfmc3p |
finite main verb, imperative, 3rd plural |
canent |
Vfmci |
finite main verb, imperative, impersonal |
caner |
Vfmsa1s |
finite main verb, subjunctive, present, 1st per. sg. |
canwyf |
Vfmsa2s |
finite main verb, subjunctive, present, 2nd per. sg. |
cenych |
Vfmsa3s |
finite main verb, subjunctive, present, 3rd per. sg. |
cano |
Vfmsa1p |
finite main verb, subjunctive, present, 1st per. pl. |
canom |
Vfmsa2p |
finite main verb, subjunctive, present, 2nd per. pl. |
canoch |
Vfmsa3p |
finite main verb, subjunctive, present, 3rd per. pl. |
canont |
Vfmsb1s |
finite main verb, subjunctive, imperfect, 1st sg. |
canwn |
Vfmsb2s |
finite main verb, subjunctive, imperfect, 2nd sg. |
canit |
Vfmsb3s |
finite main verb, subjunctive, imperfect, 3rd sg. |
canai |
Vfmsb1p |
finite main verb, subjunctive, imperfect, 1st pl. |
canem |
Vfmsb2p |
finite main verb, subjunctive, imperfect, 2nd pl. |
canech |
Vfmsb3p |
finite main verb, subjunctive, imperfect, 3rd pl. |
canent |
Vfmsai |
finite main verb, subj., impersonal, present |
caner |
Vfmsbi |
finite main verb, subj., impersonal, imperfect |
cenid |
Via |
aux. verb, infinitive (verb noun) |
bod |
Vfaia1s |
finite aux. verb, indicative, present, 1st per. sg. |
wyf |
Vfaia2s |
finite aux. verb, indicative, present, 2nd per. sg. |
wyt |
Vfaia3s |
finite aux. verb, indicative, present, 3rd per. sg. |
mae |
Vfaia1p |
finite aux. verb, indicative, present, 1st per. pl. |
ydym |
Vfaia2p |
finite aux. verb, indicative, present, 2nd per. pl. |
ydych |
Vfaia3p |
finite aux. verb, indicative, present, 3rd per. pl. |
maent |
Vfaib1s |
finite aux. verb, indicative, imperfect, 1st sg. |
oeddwn |
Vfaib2s |
finite aux. verb, indicative, imperfect, 2nd sg. |
oeddi |
Vfaib3s |
finite aux. verb, indicative, imperfect, 3rd sg. |
oedd |
Vfaib1p |
finite aux. verb, indicative, imperfect, 1st pl. |
oeddem |
Vfaib2p |
finite aux. verb, indicative, imperfect, 2nd pl. |
oeddech |
Vfaib3p |
finite aux. verb, indicative, imperfect, 3rd pl. |
oeddent |
Vfaic1s |
finite aux. verb, indicative, preterite, 1st sg. |
bûm |
Vfaic2s |
finite aux. verb, indicative, preterite, 2nd sg. |
buost |
Vfaic3s |
finite aux. verb, indicative, preterite, 3rd sg. |
bu |
Vfaic1p |
finite aux. verb, indicative, preterite, 1st pl. |
buom |
Vfaic2p |
finite aux. verb, indicative, preterite, 2nd pl. |
buoch |
Vfaic3p |
finite aux. verb, indicative, preterite, 3rd pl. |
buont |
Vfaid1s |
finite aux. verb, indicative, ppf., 1st sg. |
buaswn |
Vfaid2s |
finite aux. verb, indicative, ppf., 2nd sg. |
buasit |
Vfaid3s |
finite aux. verb, indicative, ppf., 3rd sg. |
buasai |
Vfaid1p |
finite aux. verb, indicative, ppf., 1st pl. |
buasem |
Vfaid2p |
finite aux. verb, indicative, ppf., 2nd pl. |
buasech |
Vfaid3p |
finite aux. verb, indicative, ppf., 3rd pl. |
buasent |
Vfaiai |
finite aux. verb, indic., impersonal, present |
ydys |
Vfaibi |
finite aux. verb, indic., impersonal, imperfect |
oeddid |
Vfaici |
finite aux. verb, indic., impersonal, preterite |
buwyd |
Vfaici |
finite aux. verb, indic., impersonal, ppf. |
buasid |
Vfac2s |
finite aux. verb, imperative, 2nd sing. |
bydd |
Vfac3s |
finite aux. verb, imperative, 3rd sing. |
bydded |
Vfaci |
finite aux. verb, imperative, impersonal |
bydder |
Vfac1p |
finite aux. verb, imperative, 1st plural |
byddwn |
Vfac2p |
finite aux. verb, imperative, 2nd plural |
byddwch |
Vfac3p |
finite aux. verb, imperative, 3rd plural |
byddent |
Vfasa1s |
finite aux. verb, subjunctive, present, 1st per. sg. |
byddwyf |
Vfasa2s |
finite aux. verb, subjunctive, present, 2nd per. sg. |
byddych |
Vfasa3s |
finite aux. verb, subjunctive, present, 3rd per. sg. |
byddo |
Vfasa1p |
finite aux. verb, subjunctive, present, 1st per. pl. |
byddom |
Vfasa2p |
finite aux. verb, subjunctive, present, 2nd per. pl. |
byddoch |
Vfasa3p |
finite aux. verb, subjunctive, present, 3rd per. pl. |
byddont |
Vfasb1s |
finite aux. verb, subjunctive, imperfect, 1st sg. |
bawn |
Vfasb2s |
finite aux. verb, subjunctive, imperfect, 2nd sg. |
bait |
Vfasb3s |
finite aux. verb, subjunctive, imperfect, 3rd sg. |
bai |
Vfasb1p |
finite aux. verb, subjunctive, imperfect, 1st pl. |
baem |
Vfasb2p |
finite aux. verb, subjunctive, imperfect, 2nd pl. |
baech |
Vfasb3p |
finite aux. verb, subjunctive, imperfect, 3rd pl. |
baent |
Vfasai |
finite aux. verb, subj., impersonal, present |
bydder |
Vfasbi |
finite aux. verb, subj., impersonal, imperfect |
byddid |
PDpdms |
demonstrative pronoun, masc. sg, |
hwn |
PDpdfs |
demonstrative pronoun, fem. sg. |
hon |
PDpdis |
demonstrative pronoun, inanimate sg. |
hyn |
PDpdp |
demonstrative pronoun, plural |
rhain |
PDddms |
demonstrative determiner, masc. sg. |
hwn |
PDddfs |
demonstrative determiner, fem. sg. |
hon |
PDddis |
demonstrative determiner, inanimate sg. |
hyn |
PDddp |
demonstrative determiner, plural |
hyn |
PDpxs |
singular reflexive pronoun |
hunan |
PDpxp |
plural reflexive pronoun |
hunain |
PDpg1s |
possessive pronoun, 1st sg. |
mau |
PDpg2s |
possessive pronoun, 2nd sg. |
tau |
PDpg3ms |
possessive pronoun, 3rd sg. masc. |
eiddo |
PDpg3fs |
possessive pronoun, 3rd sg. fem. |
eiddi |
PDpg1p |
possessive pronoun, 1st pl. |
einyn |
PDpg2p |
possessive pronoun, 2nd pl. |
einwch |
PDpg3p |
possessive pronoun, 3rd pl. |
eiddynt |
PDdg1s |
possessive determiner, 1st sg. |
fy |
PDdg2s |
possessive determiner, 2nd sg. |
dy |
PDdg3ms |
possessive determiner, 3rd sg. masc. |
ei |
PDdg3fs |
possessive determiner, 3rd sg. fem. |
ei |
PDdg1p |
possessive determiner, 1st pl. |
ein |
PDdg2p |
possessive determiner, 2nd pl. |
eich |
PDdg3p |
possessive determiner, 3rd pl. |
eu |
PDppi1s |
personal pronoun, independent, 1st sg. |
mi |
PDppi2s |
personal pronoun, independent, 2nd sg. |
ti |
PDppi3ms |
personal pronoun, independent, 3rd sg. masc. |
ef |
PDppi3fs |
personal pronoun, independent, 3rd sg. fem. |
hi |
PDppi1p |
personal pronoun, independent, 1st pl. |
ni |
PDppi2p |
personal pronoun, independent, 2nd pl. |
chwi |
PDppi3p |
personal pronoun, independent, 3rd pl. |
hwy |
PDppp1s |
personal pronoun, prefixed, 1st sg. |
fy |
PDppp2s |
personal pronoun, prefixed, 2nd sg. |
dy |
PDppp3ms |
personal pronoun, prefixed, 3rd sg. masc. |
ei |
PDppp3fs |
personal pronoun, prefixed, 3rd sg. fem. |
ei |
PDppp1p |
personal pronoun, prefixed, 1st pl. |
ein |
PDppp2p |
personal pronoun, prefixed, 2nd pl. |
eich |
PDppp3p |
personal pronoun, prefixed, 3rd pl. |
eu |
PDppn1s |
personal pronoun, infixed, 1st sg. |
'm |
PDppn2s |
personal pronoun, infixed, 2nd sg. |
'th |
PDppn3ms |
personal pronoun, infixed, 3rd sg. masc. |
'i |
PDppn3fs |
personal pronoun, infixed, 3rd sg. fem. |
'w |
PDppn1p |
personal pronoun, infixed, 1st pl. |
'n |
PDppn2p |
personal pronoun, infixed, 2nd pl. |
'ch |
PDppn3p |
personal pronoun, infixed, 3rd pl. |
'u |
PDppa1s |
personal pronoun, affixed, 1st sg. |
i |
PDppa2s |
personal pronoun, affixed, 2nd sg. |
di |
PDppa3ms |
personal pronoun, affixed, 3rd sg. masc. |
ef |
PDppa3fs |
personal pronoun, affixed, 3rd sg. fem. |
hi |
PDppa1p |
personal pronoun, affixed, 1st pl. |
ni |
PDppa2p |
personal pronoun, affixed, 2nd pl. |
chwi |
PDppa3p |
personal pronoun, affixed, 3rd pl. |
hwy |
PDpq |
interrogative pronoun |
pwy |
PDdq |
interrogative determiner |
hwy |