Suggestions for a Morphosyntactic Tagset for Welsh, based on the EAGLES Obligatory and Recommended Attributes

Andrew Wilson
REV: 11 OCT 2002

1. Nouns (N)

Ncms common noun, masculine singular meddyg
Ncmp common noun, masculine plural meddygon
Ncfs common noun, feminine singular esgid
Ncfp common noun, feminine plural esgidiau
Npms proper noun, masculine singular Dafydd
Npmp proper noun, masculine plural
Npfs proper noun, feminine singular Catrin
Npfp proper noun, feminine plural

2. Article (AT)

ATd definite article y

3. Adposition (AP)

For Welsh, the only value of ADPOSITION TYPE that is relevant is preposition. However, in addition to uninflected prepositions, Welsh also has prepositions which inflect for person and number. The following language-specific features are therefore proposed:
APru uninflected preposition ar
APri1s inflected preposition, 1st pers. singular arna
APri2s inflected preposition, 2nd pers. singular arnat
APri3ms inflected preposition, 3rd pers. singular masc. arno
APri3fs inflected preposition, 3rd pers. singular fem. arni
APri1p inflected preposition, 1st pers. plural arnon
APri2p inflected preposition, 2nd pers. plural arnoch
APri3p inflected preposition, 3rd pers. plural arnyn

4. Conjunction (C)

Cc coordinating conjunction a, ac
Cs subordinating conjunction ers, gan fod

5. Numeral (NU)

A distinct property of Welsh is that it has two (parallel) counting systems - a decimal system and a vigesimal system. A further language-specific extension may therefore be proposed:  Numeral Type: 1. Decimal. 2. Vigesimal.
NUc cardinal number, neutral for gender, common saith
NUcm cardinal number, masc. dau
NUcf cardinal number, fem. dwy
NUcd cardinal number, decimal dauddeg
NUcv cardinal number, vigesimal ugain
NUo ordinal number, neutral for gender chweched
NUom ordinal number, masc. trydydd
NUof ordinal number, fem. trydedd

6. Adjective (AJ)

Welsh adjectives may be marked morphologically as positive, comparative, superlative or equative. The latter needs to be added to the EAGLES feature ADJECTIVE TYPE as a language-specific extension.
AJps adjective, positive, singular gwyn
AJpfs adjective, positive, singular, feminine gwen
AJpp adjective, positive, plural gwynion
AJe adjective, equative gwynned
AJc adjective, comparative gwynnach
AJs adjective, superlative gwynnaf

7. Adverb (AV)

Adverbs in Welsh are formed by prefixing the particle yn to the relevant adjective form.  Strictly speaking, therefore, Adverb is not a lexical category in Welsh.  However, it exists grammatically and follows a regular pattern.  Thus, it is proposed to retain a set of adverb tags and use "ditto tagging" to treat adverbs - e.g. yn_AVp-21 gyflym_AVp-22.
AVp adverb, positive yn gyflym
AVc adverb, comparative yn dlotach
AVs adverb, superlative yn dlotaf

8. Verb (V)

Welsh distinguishes four tenses morphologically - present, imperfect, preterite (for which we may use the EAGLES value PAST) and pluperfect (for which an additional language-specific value is needed).

Voice is not relevant morphologically. However, there is an additional impersonal form. This is probably best dealt with as an additional language-specific value of PERSON.
Vim main verb, infinitive (verb noun) canu
Vfmia1s finite main verb, indicative, present, 1st per. sg. canaf
Vfmia2s finite main verb, indicative, present, 2nd per. sg. ceni
Vfmia3s finite main verb, indicative, present, 3rd per. sg. can
Vfmia1p finite main verb, indicative, present, 1st per. pl. canwn
Vfmia2p finite main verb, indicative, present, 2nd per. pl. cenwch
Vfmia3p finite main verb, indicative, present, 3rd per. pl. canant
Vfmib1s finite main verb, indicative, imperfect, 1st sg. canwn
Vfmib2s finite main verb, indicative, imperfect, 2nd sg. canit
Vfmib3s finite main verb, indicative, imperfect, 3rd sg. canai
Vfmib1p finite main verb, indicative, imperfect, 1st pl. canem
Vfmib2p finite main verb, indicative, imperfect, 2nd pl. canech
Vfmib3p finite main verb, indicative, imperfect, 3rd pl. canent
Vfmic1s finite main verb, indicative, preterite, 1st sg. cenais
Vfmic2s finite main verb, indicative, preterite, 2nd sg. cenaist
Vfmic3s finite main verb, indicative, preterite, 3rd sg. canodd
Vfmic1p finite main verb, indicative, preterite, 1st pl. canasom
Vfmic2p finite main verb, indicative, preterite, 2nd pl. canasoch
Vfmic3p finite main verb, indicative, preterite, 3rd pl. canasant
Vfmid1s finite main verb, indicative, ppf., 1st sg. canaswn
Vfmid2s finite main verb, indicative, ppf., 2nd sg. canasit
Vfmid3s finite main verb, indicative, ppf., 3rd sg. canasai
Vfmid1p finite main verb, indicative, ppf., 1st pl. canasem
Vfmid2p finite main verb, indicative, ppf., 2nd pl. canasech
Vfmid3p finite main verb, indicative, ppf., 3rd pl. canasent
Vfmiai finite main verb, ind., impersonal, present cenir
Vfmibi finite main verb, ind., impersonal, imperfect cenid
Vfmici finite main verb, ind., impersonal, preterite canwyd
Vfmidi finite main verb, ind., impersonal, ppf. canasid
Vfmc2s finite main verb, imperative, 2nd sing. cana
Vfmc3s finite main verb, imperative, 3rd sing. caned
Vfmc1p finite main verb, imperative, 1st plural canwn
Vfmc2p finite main verb, imperative, 2nd plural canwch
Vfmc3p finite main verb, imperative, 3rd plural canent
Vfmci finite main verb, imperative, impersonal caner
Vfmsa1s finite main verb, subjunctive, present, 1st per. sg. canwyf
Vfmsa2s finite main verb, subjunctive, present, 2nd per. sg. cenych
Vfmsa3s finite main verb, subjunctive, present, 3rd per. sg. cano
Vfmsa1p finite main verb, subjunctive, present, 1st per. pl. canom
Vfmsa2p finite main verb, subjunctive, present, 2nd per. pl. canoch
Vfmsa3p finite main verb, subjunctive, present, 3rd per. pl. canont
Vfmsb1s finite main verb, subjunctive, imperfect, 1st sg. canwn
Vfmsb2s finite main verb, subjunctive, imperfect, 2nd sg. canit
Vfmsb3s finite main verb, subjunctive, imperfect, 3rd sg. canai
Vfmsb1p finite main verb, subjunctive, imperfect, 1st pl. canem
Vfmsb2p finite main verb, subjunctive, imperfect, 2nd pl. canech
Vfmsb3p finite main verb, subjunctive, imperfect, 3rd pl. canent
Vfmsai finite main verb, subj., impersonal, present caner
Vfmsbi finite main verb, subj., impersonal, imperfect cenid
Via aux. verb, infinitive (verb noun) bod
Vfaia1s finite aux. verb, indicative, present, 1st per. sg. wyf
Vfaia2s finite aux. verb, indicative, present, 2nd per. sg. wyt
Vfaia3s finite aux. verb, indicative, present, 3rd per. sg. mae
Vfaia1p finite aux. verb, indicative, present, 1st per. pl. ydym
Vfaia2p finite aux. verb, indicative, present, 2nd per. pl. ydych
Vfaia3p finite aux. verb, indicative, present, 3rd per. pl. maent
Vfaib1s finite aux. verb, indicative, imperfect, 1st sg. oeddwn
Vfaib2s finite aux. verb, indicative, imperfect, 2nd sg. oeddi
Vfaib3s finite aux. verb, indicative, imperfect, 3rd sg. oedd
Vfaib1p finite aux. verb, indicative, imperfect, 1st pl. oeddem
Vfaib2p finite aux. verb, indicative, imperfect, 2nd pl. oeddech
Vfaib3p finite aux. verb, indicative, imperfect, 3rd pl. oeddent
Vfaic1s finite aux. verb, indicative, preterite, 1st sg. bûm
Vfaic2s finite aux. verb, indicative, preterite, 2nd sg. buost
Vfaic3s finite aux. verb, indicative, preterite, 3rd sg. bu
Vfaic1p finite aux. verb, indicative, preterite, 1st pl. buom
Vfaic2p finite aux. verb, indicative, preterite, 2nd pl. buoch
Vfaic3p finite aux. verb, indicative, preterite, 3rd pl. buont
Vfaid1s finite aux. verb, indicative, ppf., 1st sg. buaswn
Vfaid2s finite aux. verb, indicative, ppf., 2nd sg. buasit
Vfaid3s finite aux. verb, indicative, ppf., 3rd sg. buasai
Vfaid1p finite aux. verb, indicative, ppf., 1st pl. buasem
Vfaid2p finite aux. verb, indicative, ppf., 2nd pl. buasech
Vfaid3p finite aux. verb, indicative, ppf., 3rd pl. buasent
Vfaiai finite aux. verb, indic., impersonal, present ydys
Vfaibi finite aux. verb, indic., impersonal, imperfect oeddid
Vfaici finite aux. verb, indic., impersonal, preterite buwyd
Vfaici finite aux. verb, indic., impersonal, ppf. buasid
Vfac2s finite aux. verb, imperative, 2nd sing. bydd
Vfac3s finite aux. verb, imperative, 3rd sing. bydded
Vfaci finite aux. verb, imperative, impersonal bydder
Vfac1p finite aux. verb, imperative, 1st plural byddwn
Vfac2p finite aux. verb, imperative, 2nd plural byddwch
Vfac3p finite aux. verb, imperative, 3rd plural byddent
Vfasa1s finite aux. verb, subjunctive, present, 1st per. sg. byddwyf
Vfasa2s finite aux. verb, subjunctive, present, 2nd per. sg. byddych
Vfasa3s finite aux. verb, subjunctive, present, 3rd per. sg. byddo
Vfasa1p finite aux. verb, subjunctive, present, 1st per. pl. byddom
Vfasa2p finite aux. verb, subjunctive, present, 2nd per. pl. byddoch
Vfasa3p finite aux. verb, subjunctive, present, 3rd per. pl. byddont
Vfasb1s finite aux. verb, subjunctive, imperfect, 1st sg. bawn
Vfasb2s finite aux. verb, subjunctive, imperfect, 2nd sg. bait
Vfasb3s finite aux. verb, subjunctive, imperfect, 3rd sg. bai
Vfasb1p finite aux. verb, subjunctive, imperfect, 1st pl. baem
Vfasb2p finite aux. verb, subjunctive, imperfect, 2nd pl. baech
Vfasb3p finite aux. verb, subjunctive, imperfect, 3rd pl. baent
Vfasai finite aux. verb, subj., impersonal, present bydder
Vfasbi finite aux. verb, subj., impersonal, imperfect byddid

9. Pronoun-Determiner (PD)

PDpdms demonstrative pronoun, masc. sg, hwn
PDpdfs demonstrative pronoun, fem. sg. hon
PDpdis demonstrative pronoun, inanimate sg. hyn
PDpdp demonstrative pronoun, plural rhain
PDddms demonstrative determiner, masc. sg. hwn
PDddfs demonstrative determiner, fem. sg. hon
PDddis demonstrative determiner, inanimate sg. hyn
PDddp demonstrative determiner, plural hyn
PDpxs singular reflexive pronoun hunan
PDpxp plural reflexive pronoun hunain
PDpg1s possessive pronoun, 1st sg. mau
PDpg2s possessive pronoun, 2nd sg. tau
PDpg3ms possessive pronoun, 3rd sg. masc. eiddo
PDpg3fs possessive pronoun, 3rd sg. fem. eiddi
PDpg1p possessive pronoun, 1st pl. einyn
PDpg2p possessive pronoun, 2nd pl. einwch
PDpg3p possessive pronoun, 3rd pl. eiddynt
PDdg1s possessive determiner, 1st sg. fy
PDdg2s possessive determiner, 2nd sg. dy
PDdg3ms possessive determiner, 3rd sg. masc. ei
PDdg3fs possessive determiner, 3rd sg. fem. ei
PDdg1p possessive determiner, 1st pl. ein
PDdg2p possessive determiner, 2nd pl. eich
PDdg3p possessive determiner, 3rd pl. eu
PDppi1s personal pronoun, independent, 1st sg. mi
PDppi2s personal pronoun, independent, 2nd sg. ti
PDppi3ms personal pronoun, independent, 3rd sg. masc. ef
PDppi3fs personal pronoun, independent, 3rd sg. fem. hi
PDppi1p personal pronoun, independent, 1st pl. ni
PDppi2p personal pronoun, independent, 2nd pl. chwi
PDppi3p personal pronoun, independent, 3rd pl. hwy
PDppp1s personal pronoun, prefixed, 1st sg. fy
PDppp2s personal pronoun, prefixed, 2nd sg. dy
PDppp3ms personal pronoun, prefixed, 3rd sg. masc. ei
PDppp3fs personal pronoun, prefixed, 3rd sg. fem. ei
PDppp1p personal pronoun, prefixed, 1st pl. ein
PDppp2p personal pronoun, prefixed, 2nd pl. eich
PDppp3p personal pronoun, prefixed, 3rd pl. eu
PDppn1s personal pronoun, infixed, 1st sg. 'm
PDppn2s personal pronoun, infixed, 2nd sg. 'th
PDppn3ms personal pronoun, infixed, 3rd sg. masc. 'i
PDppn3fs personal pronoun, infixed, 3rd sg. fem. 'w
PDppn1p personal pronoun, infixed, 1st pl. 'n
PDppn2p personal pronoun, infixed, 2nd pl. 'ch
PDppn3p personal pronoun, infixed, 3rd pl. 'u
PDppa1s personal pronoun, affixed, 1st sg. i
PDppa2s personal pronoun, affixed, 2nd sg. di
PDppa3ms personal pronoun, affixed, 3rd sg. masc. ef
PDppa3fs personal pronoun, affixed, 3rd sg. fem. hi
PDppa1p personal pronoun, affixed, 1st pl. ni
PDppa2p personal pronoun, affixed, 2nd pl. chwi
PDppa3p personal pronoun, affixed, 3rd pl. hwy
PDpq interrogative pronoun pwy
PDdq interrogative determiner hwy

10. Unique/Unassigned (U)

Ur relative marker a
Ub particle with bod yr
Ua affirmative marker fe
Up perfective marker wedi
Uc copular marker yn
Un negative marker dim
Uv pre-verbal particle mi

11. Interjection (I)

I interjection hylo

12. Residual (R)

Rf foreign word boots
Ro formula 2xy
Rs symbol £
Ra acronym S4C
Rb abbreviation cyf.
Ru unclassified

13. Punctuation (PU)

PUf punctuation mark, final . ? !
PUm punctuation mark, medial , ; :
PUl punctuation mark, left ( [ 
PUr punctuation mark, right ) ]