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Mobilities, Migration, Service Work & Place WorkshopDate: 12 February 2010 Time: 09.30 - 5.00pm Venue: Institute for Advanced Studies MR1 & 2 Mobilities, Migration, Service Work and Place Date: 12 February 2010 Time: 09.00 for 9.30 - 16.30 Venue: Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS) MR 1 and 2 A free one day workshop hosted by the Centre for Mobilites Research (CeMoRe), Lancaster University Exploring themes of multiculturalism, integration, cosmopolitanism, hospitality and labour process theory, in this innovative workshop we will examine the mobilities and lived experiences of migrant workers in Britain today. Focussing on the hospitality and care sectors, we will identify and develop key research strands in relation to contemporary migration and service work. At a time when evidently both the Prime Minister and British National Party consider that British jobs should be for British workers, the mobilities and motivations that enable or oblige travel to work in Britain will be explored, as will the outcomes and effects of labour mobilities on workplace practices, innovation and public and private sector policy. Drawing on current empirical projects, we will present rural and urban case studies, with a particular emphasis on migrant experiences in rural places. The keynote speaker Sarah Neal, Dept of Social Policy and Criminology, Open University, will highlight key themes for the day. The results from three current ESRC funded projects will be presented:
Artist, Diane Rickerby, will display her 'New Roots Projects' looking at the experiences of Lithuanian and Slovakian women living and working in Maryport, Cumbria Current research on the care and hospitality labour process will be presented by Gemma Wibberley and Gareth Matthews, Sociology Dept, Lancaster University. Discussants: Anne-Marie Fortier, Imogen Tyler and John Urry This is an end of project workshop for the 'Global Welcome?' project funded by the ESRC [RES-000-22-3299] and the Centre for Mobilities Research. The workshop is free to delegates and will take place from 9.30-16.30 on Friday 12th February 2010. The workshop will be preceded by dinner (not free!) in the Meeting House restaurant in Lancaster at 19.30 on Thursday 11th February. Contact: Viv Cuthill v.cuthill@lancaster.ac.uk for further information. To reserve a place for the workshop and dinner, please contact Pennie Drinkall p.drinkall@lancaster.ac.uk . Accommodation information is available on request. Programme: Mobilities, Migration, Service Work and Place 12.2.10 Venue: Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS) MR 2 9.30 - Sarah Neal, Dept of Social Policy and Criminology, Open University - For countrysides: the renaissance in rural sociology 10.25 - Viv Cuthill, Centre for Mobilities Research, Lancaster University - 'Global Welcome? Migrant workers, service cultures, tourist places' - Chair: John Urry 11.20 - Tea / Coffee 11.35 - Eugenia Markova and Anna Paraskevopoulou, Working Lives Research Institute, London Metropolitan University - 'Migration and innovation in SME London hotels: disconnected mobilities'? 12.30 - Diane Rickerby, Artist - New Roots Projects: looking at the experiences of Lithuanian and Slovakian women living and working in Maryport, Cumbria Chair: Sondra Cuban 13.00 - Lunch and viewing of Diane's exhibition 14.00 -Sondra Cuban, Dept of Educational Research, Lancaster University - Home/work project - the roles of networks and social mobility in the lives of migrant carers in Cumbria 14.40 - Gemma Wibberley, Dept of Sociology, Lancaster University - Working out the rotas in domiciliary care 15.10 - Gareth Matthews, Dept of Sociology, Lancaster University - The Ghost in the Smile:spectres of uneven development inthe management of thehospitality labour process - Chair: Anne-Marie Fortier 15.40 - Tea / coffee 16.00 - Reflections on the day, Imogen Tyler Contact: Who can attend: Anyone
Further informationAssociated staff: Sondra Cuban (Educational Research), Viv Cuthill, Pennie Drinkall (Sociology), Anne-Marie Fortier, Imogen Tyler (Sociology), John Urry Associated projects: Global Welcome? Migrant workers, service cultures, tourist places. Organising departments and research centres: Centre for Mobilities Research (CeMoRe), Mobilities.Lab, Sociology Keywords: Hospitality, Migrants, Migration, Mobilities, Workplace learning, Workplace literacy, Workplace skills |
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Department of Sociology, Bowland North, Lancaster University, LA1 4YT, UK | Tel: +44 (0) 1524 592680 E-mail: mobilties@lancaster.ac.uk |