History Department Brown Bag Research Seminar, DR CEDRIK MICHEL, ‘Tattoos, their meanings and uses in Late Antiquity (c.3rd-7th centuries CE)’

Tuesday 11 March 2025, 1:10pm to 2:00pm


Bowland North Seminar Room 7 , Lancaster, United Kingdom, LA1 4YW

Open to

All Lancaster University (non-partner) students, Alumni, Applicants, External Organisations, Families and young people, Postgraduates, Prospective International Students, Prospective Postgraduate Students, Prospective Undergraduate Students, Public, Staff, Undergraduates


Registration not required - just turn up

Event Details

The History Department's Brown Bag Research Seminars provide an informal environment in which staff and postgraduate students can talk about their current research. Do bring your lunch!

Dr Cedrik Michel is Lecturer in Late Roman / Medieval History (with Latin) at Lancaster University.

Contact Details

Name Lorenzo Caravaggi
